Reviews for Just a Year
Rising Phoenix-82 chapter 29 . 21h
Can't wait to
Read the sequel
Myperversities chapter 29 . 11/19/2019
I loved this! I hope there is a triad to come in the next book! Can’t wait for Nico’s wish to come true! Maybe the potion will have cured Harry’s fertility issue too and he can have lots of babies for Severus and Draco then stay home as a househusband! Can’t wait for more!
mayawene chapter 29 . 8/11/2019
Thank you for this story !
Heksy chapter 29 . 7/17/2019
You are evil, making me have all these feels *pouts*
Tatymoluka chapter 29 . 1/16/2019
OMG! How did you finish the store like that? Yeeeees... Please, I would love read a sequel! I want see the reaction of Harry when Draco and Severus realy talk to him, I want see Nico's reaction... Soooo, I look forward to a sequel. I realy loved this fanfiction and Nico is a great kid!
See you!
PS: I'm willing see the bitch suffering! And I'm not a bad girl! LOL
Guest chapter 29 . 12/30/2018
I love this so much! Please write a sequel. The relationships between the characters and the aura reading is so fascinating. I also love the familiars and the development of Harry’s sickness is well done.
blacky chapter 1 . 12/26/2018
Hi there,

many thanks for sharing. I cannot fathom how much work it must have been to create this beautiful tale, but it took me about three and a half hours to read it.
I loved every minute of it. Soo beautiful! and I am quite happy you did not kill off Harry at the end. I guess my vanilla ice cream in the freezer would not have survived that. It was only barely spared its early fate during the mounting tension throughout the last (ten) chapters. ;)
While little kids are usually not my thing I fell in love with your Nico and totally ship the Harry-Draco-Severus triad development.
If you ever find the inspiration and time to write a sequel I hope to read it. It would be nice to learn more about the cure, what it was and how it helps to cure the disease. Also what happens with the phoenix egg Harry was given? How will our three yummy men build their relationship? I admit I'd love to read a regularly blushing and confused Harry and lots of childlike blunt truths by Nico causing it (e. he explains his three-daddy-pictures to him). On that thought I guess it would be good for Draco and Severus to find it first to get "permission" to include their son in their interest to include Harry in the family.

Your grandpa Luc is pretty cool, too. I literally rolled all over my bed laughing at the chessboard scene with Narcissa ("You did that!"... ) and read it twice! I only would have liked to see him a bit more evil-badass like. He was a bad guy after all and heart disease or no I guess he would still be a figure able to frighten most people out of their unmentionables with a casual glance.
Maybe now that he is healthy, he may get a chance to show he hasn't lost his swagger in the sequel ;)

Sorry- I don't often review so this rambling is rather unsructured and not helpful in the constructive criticism way. However, I wanted to thank you and compliment you.
Hope you also had a lovely christmas 2018, My second christmas day ended on a happy note
Armadiel chapter 29 . 12/20/2018
To be honest I was a little worried but intrigued after the summary. I'm glad I decided to read your story, it's amazing! I really like your writing style, the characters and the pacing. :)
Phoenix6975 chapter 29 . 12/18/2018
A sequel jay!
I have enjoyed reading this story very much. Write more please
DheeDixon chapter 29 . 12/12/2018
this is AMAZING story..
love it so much
Guest chapter 29 . 12/12/2018
thank God hahaha ;D loved it
cptbludz13 chapter 29 . 12/11/2018
I love your story.
But I do have a question. Where is Teddy Lupin in all this, or does he not exist?
doxiesmom14 chapter 29 . 12/11/2018
Please write a sequel. This story was awesome.
Varisha01 chapter 29 . 12/10/2018
I do hope you add more to this world soon :) I would like to see what they do to make Harry (Mr. Oblivious to others crushing on him) see that they want him as part of their relationship.
Godiva9 chapter 29 . 12/10/2018
A truly wonderful story, thank you so much for writing and sharing it! It was a great read! : )
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