Reviews for Let the Music Be Your Master
animegirl73 chapter 26 . 12/1/2014
Loved your story.
riseofthewolf chapter 26 . 9/6/2014
Wow! u r AMAZING! Personally, I like Linkin Park, In the End is my favorite. I don't really like Rush, but the story is just AWESOME!
Amara chapter 12 . 11/23/2013
Lol! I heard about the lost Dutchman today!
Amara chapter 8 . 11/21/2013
If you don't like Linkin Park, then why did you name one of your chapters after some of their music (look at "In The End"). Ps, I LOVE Linkin Park, but since your story is so good, I'll let it pass.
Corinne chapter 26 . 4/8/2011
I persomally love the ending. It was realistic and made sense at the same time as being not TOO cheesy (but you gotta admit, good cheese tasts good)
Shyrean chapter 18 . 2/6/2011
Are you from germany or just one loving peace? Anyway, I am a german girl, eleven by the time the wall was torn down and frankly without a clue back then about anything. Still I remember cheering with the people on the TV screen because the radiant happiness pouring out of every one.

In hindsight today I know I have witnessed one great moment of history, a peaceful revolution, merely achieved by men and women standing together demanding freedom, standig against one of the most evil gouvernment ever seen.

Because of that, every time I hear Wind of change goosebumps are erupting on my skin.

Thanks for this great moment.
suckerforromance234 chapter 7 . 12/21/2010
amazing and i love it!
NekoInuHanyouChanz chapter 1 . 7/31/2010
TwilightVixen.29 chapter 3 . 7/21/2010
good story so far .
torishly chapter 26 . 5/2/2010
okay, might I say...woah. seeing as how this fic was last updated about 6 years ago, this may be a little late in coming but... I FREAKIN 3 THIS FIC! seriously,this was what first got me into Rush. it was a total trip and I loved every second of it. You totally deseve all the props in the world.
Rina-chan18 chapter 26 . 4/28/2010
*le sigh* I am most upset that it's over / I love your story. It put a smile on my face.
Axzeria chapter 1 . 4/22/2010

It's so funny! 'Watanabe' is my Japanese teachers last name! xD
Nexa chapter 26 . 11/22/2009
I remember you saying that you weren't the best song writer in the world... I just wanted to say that reading your story was a fantastic experience and I would never forget it. In fact, I've re-read it several times. The lyrics for the song, So Much Glass, really inspired me. I wrote them down in a tiny Hello Kitty notebook from McDonalds along with a few lines from The Analog Kid. Yes, I am a dork. Anyway, this story reintroduced me to the fact that the future isn't always the best place to look for the best music. (Just look at justin timberlake or some other pop 'star'. Ugh.) I'll be revisting this story to get the list of songs again. And every time I listen to them, I'll think of you and this story. Most likely. Keep cool! I might go and read some of your other stuff... If you see any more odd comments like this one, and the person isn't logged in, it's still most likely me. Ahh well, on to the next great frontier, eh? Or story, or song; whichever you prefer. Sincerely, NeXa.

Ps: Pardon my rambling. I just can't seem to stop my fingers...
NotQuiteDG chapter 1 . 10/6/2009
ah memories. I haven't been near this story in like 4-5 years, jeez. It was so great.
DarkSoulKagome90 chapter 19 . 3/27/2008
Ggrr,Kouga is suck a prick! Well in the story anyways.
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