Reviews for Mass Effect Andromeda: One's Glory into Discovering the Unknown
Guest chapter 46 . 5/22
Love the story for the most part, little grammar and a few plot holes but overall you’re a really good writer, kept me captivated for hours. Are you going to continue it? Left it at a weird spot and right now doing the pandemic would be a perfect time to write more. Food for thought.
Lizard4523 chapter 46 . 5/19/2019
This was really good. I enjoyed reading this.
Hero of the Multiverse chapter 46 . 5/8/2019
Some constructive criticism: you need to space the paragraphs better in this chapter.
Alonso117 chapter 45 . 2/10/2019
Did you continue the story?
Quietness731 chapter 7 . 2/3/2019
One big issue I have:

“Sound waves are capable to travel through the vacuum of space...”

This is absolutely NOT true. Sound is a wave, a mechanical wave specifically. Mechanical waves require a medium (AKA a substance) to travel. For sound, this medium is usually air, which it can travel through quite quickly.

However, in space, sound cannot travel as space is a vacuum. There is no substance or air for sound to travel through at all, and thus no ability for sound to move in space.

I highly suggest you do some edits here as this directly contradicts basic physics and is just nonsensical.

I’d recommend you change sound to radio waves, as radio waves are nonmechanical and do not require a medium to travel, which is why they’re used for communication in space ships and space suits.
HaywireEagle chapter 1 . 2/20/2018
Wasnt a fan of Vetra's romance. Not because of personality wise. I loved her wit but I find Turians physically unattractive. I was always more a fan of Corra or PB. I always immagined some sort of love triangle between the too.
darkerego chapter 3 . 10/3/2017
great story
ArchAngel319 chapter 30 . 9/7/2017
Thanks for another chapter. Good luck, and as always have fun writing.
ArchAngel319 chapter 26 . 8/30/2017
Thanks for another great chapter. Good luck and as always have fun writing.
Arkraiththeepicbrony chapter 7 . 7/27/2017
3 Plotholes I noticed. 1. They did meet another AI, the ancient angaran one. 90% sure voeld was always an ice planet (Fact Check?) DOES NOT travel in space whatsoever AT ALL
Arkraiththeepicbrony chapter 5 . 7/24/2017
I need to learn to read slower. Great job on the new chapter, and good job on making the characters pretty accurate to the game
Arkraiththeepicbrony chapter 4 . 7/23/2017
Another great fanfiction that only has a few chapters. :( I had a hard time imagining sky, mostly because i read too fast... but whatever. Do you know of anything I could look up to get a better idea?
jerseydanielgibson chapter 1 . 7/8/2017
Okay, you snagged my attention. Same Bat time, same Bat channel? :)

Nefarious plans aside, that was a good one, nice complex ambush attack.