Reviews for A Proposal by Any Other Name
CowabungaBabe95 chapter 17 . 3/24
Guest chapter 9 . 3/4
This is my favorite Kylo fan fict yet ️️
Lily chapter 17 . 2/3
Omg it is one of the best story I have ever read and it hasn’t been uploaded since 2018. That’s so crue!
Well still thank you for these 17 chapters, it was incredible!
Nattles18 chapter 17 . 1/12
I have really enjoyed reading this fic, thanks for uploading your work.
To anyone wondering, this fic is completed and it is available at AO3:)
fireelfmaiden1 chapter 17 . 1/11
well done fic. I am looking forward to reading what comes next.
Guest chapter 17 . 7/7/2019
You might not read this but please understand! This story has made me laugh, cry, and yell out in anger because Kylo is a dumbass. This story is incredible I love it! So please continue I understand if you don’t I mean it’s your choice. Just please know how talented you are, and that you should be proud of your work.
jhsbradford chapter 17 . 6/2/2019
Whaaaa? I just got sucked in to this awesome story for hours and there is no update?! I might be willing to beg.
lilkathra chapter 17 . 3/13/2019
love to know what happens next
theoneandonly14 chapter 17 . 1/16/2019
Please please please update this. I NEED it
Guest chapter 17 . 1/12/2019
OMG what a wonderful fic! I just found this, binged right through it and now I am checking every few hours for an update. I agree with the others, this story definitely deserves more reviews. Your storytelling is excellent, your characters so lifelike! I am feeling an actual heartache for Kylo. And I absolutely can‘t wait to read more...
Bendemption chapter 17 . 12/8/2018
You definitely deserve more reviews. I just found your story and now I have bloodshot eyes because it's long past midnight here but I couldn't stop reading. I really like this story. It's fresh and unique and wonderful. I'm happy you don't rush Reylo and let them explore each other slowly. It's way more realistic and your writing style is just as captivating.
Perfect Beauty chapter 17 . 12/7/2018
Nice chapter!
ROCIO DLF chapter 17 . 12/7/2018
Gracias por la maravillosa actualización :) Adoro a Kylo protector, no es justo que Rey siga vinculada a Plut
ROCIO DLF chapter 16 . 12/2/2018
Necesito más! Kylo debe tomar la iniciativa. Y no olvidar alimentar a los conejos ;)
Perfect Beauty chapter 15 . 11/25/2018
I'm sorry Finn is a bit of an A-hole in this story. Why didn't he just ask Rey to marry him before he left the States? Or maybe he just didn't want to get married to her.
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