Reviews for my kingdom for a kindred soul
yellow 14 chapter 1 . 7/21/2017
Very cute. Keep writing
The Cinder Crown chapter 1 . 7/10/2017
Awwww! This is sooooo beautiful!
Harry and Lily are so damn cute together and OMG he's making her hair and makeup!
And the little on-going banter between them with the 'try every time' thingy made me smile every time they said it!
It describes a wonderful father-daugher relationship! *_*
And my, I am thrilled you added that little bonus! :D Ginny is one hell of a witch! I grinned the whole time while reading this! And on top of that you managed to write Astoria, Draco and the rest of them so very much in character... it was such a joy and privilege to read! I escpecially love Ginny's and Astoria's interaction at the end :) those two will be having a lot of fun in the future, that's for sure! :D
Thank you so so much for writing this beautiful piece of art for me! I LOVED it!
Queen Lexi bows to you, because YOU, my love, are amazing and lovely and talented and therefore you deserve it all! Thank youuu so much! *_*
Marvelgeek42 chapter 1 . 7/7/2017
Niiice work!
I loved the dynamic between the Potters (and I feel Lily. I'd like to opt out of adulting) and that Harry made sure that Lily makes the choice that feels right for her.