Reviews for So Cold
Dragon of Yin and Yang chapter 1 . 5/1
I greatly enjoyed reading this!
Henry Stein chapter 1 . 12/13/2019
How did you know one of my dreams...Well you did a great job :).Bendy freaked out when he found this up the good work
WyFern Writer chapter 1 . 12/21/2018
Can you continue? This story is amazing and I want to see how Henry can pull through! Plus, I'm obsessed with transformations...
Mitsuki Shigamatsu chapter 1 . 11/10/2017
Yikes! That was way too close of a call...
Basket in a Nutcase chapter 1 . 7/4/2017
Good glory I love this AU of an AU
Krystall Klear chapter 1 . 6/26/2017
never mind that doesnt work. boohoo.
Krystall Klear chapter 1 . 6/26/2017
To avoid spoilers in this story for people on the app, which shows reviews before the actual story, i gotta add a space so they won't accidentally read it or somethin'. sorry if it is a nuisance. this story is a tad bit different to your other ones i reckon! so, you have ol' henry and bendy fightin' off that ink parasite, while henry was in the depths of his mind. great story!