Reviews for A Rather Cunning Muggle-Born
themirrorminder.372259 chapter 21 . 3/5
WOW this is so creative! Please don't make us wait so long for another chapter, I'm positively addicted to this story!
themirrorminder.372259 chapter 20 . 3/5
brilliant :P
Lady Fairy Moth chapter 21 . 2/29
I say this with one thought in mind . Marcus flint is acting like a Pervy creep , and he’s obviously doing something. Nice touch adding a difference to crabbe and Goyle , by making him attracted to Hermione nice touch. I’ve been laughing keep it up !
sailorjules chapter 21 . 2/23
Congrats on getting the job! So happy to see this story update in my notifications! This is a story where I’m always surprised by what happens next :)
Guest chapter 21 . 2/23
Simply hilarious. Just love your story and your writing style. Hope you update soon.
MrsPotterDrEw chapter 21 . 2/22
Who the hell is Marcus!? Can I just say how happy I am that you updated. I absolutely love this story.
MoonflowerDaydreamer chapter 21 . 2/22
This is really good, I love it
kpop1392as chapter 21 . 2/22
Dun dun dun! I am enjoying this story!
EraticMind chapter 21 . 2/21
Guest chapter 21 . 2/21
Hmm, interesting...

Glad to see an update nevertheless. It’s a fun story to read.
Myrlotic chapter 20 . 12/8/2019
I love it! Hope you find time to update it sometime soon! I especially enjoy the interactions between the weasley twins and Hermione! Keep it up please!
Lairenna chapter 20 . 9/17/2019
Lots of Puking Pansy. Maybe they should rename them to Puking Pansies on the sly. ;)
Lugia'sChallenger13 chapter 20 . 8/25/2019
Can't wait for the next chapter! Looking forward to reading the next morning.
Tajinprincess chapter 20 . 8/9/2019
lol sweet justice.
TheDiamondSword400 chapter 20 . 8/8/2019
(:Sniggers diabolically:)
Awesome! Thank you for the update!
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