Reviews for Control Me
Sammii16 chapter 1 . 4/10
Speechless. Breathe. LOL
Thank you
AmandaLynLP715 chapter 1 . 8/5/2017
I loved this story! wish there was more!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/13/2017
It would be awesome if you tone down Emma bashing...
Guest chapter 1 . 6/24/2017
NICE. i loved it.
EvilRegalandJCapper4Life chapter 1 . 6/21/2017
This is legitimately the FIRST Dark Swan fic I absolutely LOVE!
I usually dislike them but there was something about this that reeled me in. Yes, it was long and it's something I don't like when it comes to long chapters but with this I didn't mind at all! Not one bit because I thought every moment deserved to be in this.
The end was super HOT, HOT, HOT! Really awesome scene and I loved how Emma says Regina's not in control but Regina takes control anyway. Lol
This one-shot was amazing and I'm so glad I took the chance to read this. Thank you for writing such an amazing piece!
P.S. This is the first story of yours that I've read so expect to see more of me in the future because I love your writing. :)
bananalestrange chapter 1 . 6/17/2017
Holy shit, that was so good!
ScrewURanonymity chapter 1 . 6/17/2017
First off all, dont let stupid people get to you. The way you wrote this could be what Emma needed, something I saw her like a lost kid who needed guidance, someone who could love her but at the same time call her in her BS. In many moments it looked like she was craving attention but noone gave it to her in the right way. She didn't need a fool in love giving her all she asked (even if she didn't say it aloud) and she didn't need guilty love given to her for the lost years. The way people talk about Regina is because they are married to the stupid idea of CS or the super idea about fairytale being easier (in the way Disney was before) Who need a Prince if you could have a Former Evil Queen with all her downs and ups. Owing Her mistakes, talking about them and of course Not running away in a ship (only to be stopped by a princess whom has it all solved for her) I am sorry for the rant here. I usually dont leave a comment or get in when people comment, but I feel like it needed to happen, because you wrote in the best way, you thought about it like you analyzed the characters, feels like you didn't get fooled with the (and they live happy together forever bs) CS Thank you for this, like really.
blyn99 chapter 1 . 6/17/2017
Also 2 of the guests can just fuck off.
blyn99 chapter 1 . 6/17/2017
Well that definitely woke me up. Love it.
Innerdemonz chapter 1 . 6/17/2017
I love it. Everything u write is gold. I can't wait to see more from u. Ur definatly my new favorite writer
Guest chapter 1 . 6/16/2017
If someone helps you please learn to say thank you. Emma helped Regina by becoming a dark one and this is how Regina repays it by beating and all that shit. Pretty sure Emma would never stoop this low. I know this is your fan fiction and I don't have right to criticize it. There are certain limits. Regina should first apologize to Emma for making her a orphan and dark one. That is the right think to do. Where is a morale in the story? Regina talking about control? Was she in control when Daniel died? How many people she killed when she was the evil queen? How many innocent souls she tortured when she was the evil queen? Of course naturally Emma has to forgive Regina's sin because she was the evil queen but Regina would never do the same. Why because she is a self proclaimed bitch or she thinks she is too superior to Emma? In my opinion Regina should apologize to people and help others for all the sins she committed. Please do analyse their character before writing stories like this. Don't degrade someone because you didn't like them. Regina is nothing but a monster and this story is a clear proof for it.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/16/2017
Oh now that shameless Regina bitch is talking about being good ha? What the fuck? Regina self centred bitch done nothing useful. Regina killed poor graham without any second thought and she is talking about jealousy. Always acting like a royal birch but didn't even think twice before spreading her legs like a whore to Robin. That stupid brunette doesn't have the right to talk to Emma like that or control her. Regina is nothing but a broken bitch who always scream like stupid and scaring other people, yelling at other people that she is in control but she couldn't even resist Robin. Look how desperate that bitch is actually. Please stop feeding lies.
rondaday1 chapter 1 . 6/16/2017
Excellent story