Reviews for Devotion
sosueme chapter 23 . 1/23
I love the parts about how he feels whether the place is his history or not. Lots of clues, some answers, more questions. Love love your writing style. Also love how he sizes Bella up, 'how does contain all that emotion in her small body'. Of course I want more, but i see the difficulty if how this story has personal truths for you. Thank you for sharing your words, they are beautiful.
sosueme chapter 11 . 1/23
Intense writing style. Love it.
sosueme chapter 14 . 1/23
Always drawn to her, can't walk away even when wants to.
sosueme chapter 1 . 1/23
So much going on with every sentence. Love how their language and accent tell so much about them, and in Edward's case, how so little he says tells so much. Welcome back! Very happy to see you around!
Paolina Beke H chapter 23 . 6/21/2019
I had a hard time following this story the first couple of chapters, but curiosity won over. I really like your style, a bit darkish and a lot complex.
Before this last chapter I was guessing church or army for Edward's background: his reluctance to sex and the sort of guilt he shows for seeking self-pleasure from Bella; and well, PTSD led me to that theory. Now I'm guessing maybe it's both?
Waiting anxiously for the next update, thanks for what you have given us so far. It's really really good.
TheGreenPanther chapter 23 . 10/8/2018
So now I'm super curious where this is going. Hope to see an update soon. :o)
Guest chapter 4 . 6/3/2018
Edward said that alice was "dark" does that mean dark skinned? Bella too? I can guess, calling her kid shaquisha or whatever.

And could you have made bella anymore ghetto? WTF?
Guest chapter 3 . 6/3/2018
Wait what? Bella has a kid named SHANIQUA? LMFAO.

OMG, that's a horrible name. Is the kid...white? Or black? Both?
Guest chapter 2 . 6/3/2018
Ya know, I really prefer clear writing. This? Is a fucking disaster.
MujerN chapter 23 . 5/13/2018
I always love your Edwards. They’re flawed but certainly layered and interesting. Wondering where this will go.
Where are you chapter 23 . 4/29/2018
Where she did you go?
Hope you come back and post more.
gotcha chapter 23 . 2/21/2018
Madam Counselor! I've figured you out! It's been a while since I've commented but I've definitely been reading. It's taken me 23 chapters but I've finally figured you out! You're a secret operative with the CIA. You enjoy torturing all of us, your loyal readers, in order to extract our deepest and darkest secrets and opinions. You feed us just enough to keep us to keep us taking but not enough to satisfy our hunger. You sneak tiny little tricky bits into the story and pique our needy and wild imaginations but never enough to let us climax (intellectually..of course) and clearly understand the background of our trusty unconventional hero?brother?father?lover?taker? Thanks for clearing things up! It's a testament to your CIA training. You live an incognito life and drop teeny tiny crumbs just so we don't get lost yet they are curiously leading us to a trap. You've got us caught in your maze. We give up! Take us! We are yours! We'll admit to anything to get another chapter soon! Seriously, do you have a bench and a mailbox in your town square? I'll be there at 5pm sharp. Today. I'll be wearing the red hat, and Stockholm syndrome look on my face. Sincerely devoted to you, X
Karma84 chapter 23 . 2/19/2018
I look forward to the next update!
SunflowerFran chapter 23 . 2/8/2018
The giver. Fasting. General. Pope.
Emmett had a lot to say, but he gave up nothing.
Loved Edward’s description of him.
MK543 chapter 23 . 2/7/2018
Finally filling in some blank spots about Edward. Hard edges they be. I am sure his tragedy is much more than Iraq. Lucky him, coming from money. Of course, he acts like he don't deserve it... or does he?!
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