Reviews for Behind Closed Doors
Cat and NCIS Obsessed chapter 1 . 1/29
I don't know what my favourite part of this is, the angsty oh so intimate Galex at the start; Gene realizing how utterly enamored he is with her; Alex being the one to suggest the bugging; cute fluffy domestic Galex; or Luigi being the ultimate fangirl and definitely getting in on the Galex shipping action. A beautifully crafted fic as always
phoenixshine chapter 1 . 7/30/2019
Did I love this, YES I DID! And it's not like it included them getting handsy handsy but those precious little bonding moments that show how they care about each other are LIFE!
Cat and NCIS Obsessed chapter 1 . 10/17/2018
This story was so adorable! It was great how you turned it from dark to so fluffy without it seeming like you completely changed tone.

And I love Luigi as the ultimate Galex shipper.
Sarah7293 chapter 1 . 1/24/2018
I loved this little story :) Thank you so much for sharing. I'm from Plymouth so I always get a slight thrill from the idea of Gene being transferred there (with Alex, of course!) hmmm ... I may have a story in that! ;)

Anyway, I also love that you questioned the need for telling us where the lyrics are from. All of the Galex shippers everywhere know THAT SONG, and don't think about anything except them whenever they hear it, wherever they hear it.

wombledon chapter 1 . 6/24/2017
Another fabulous fic. Don't stop these wonderful one-shots. I read them again & again.
theglamourfades chapter 1 . 6/13/2017
The ideas you come up with are just wonderful. Great pairing of the title with the lyric (a song I thought could have been much better used) and I *love* that Gene has an emotional code with his drinking and that Alex is privy to it. Sometimes there is so much more in a few little touches than a lot of gettin' down. I love the atmosphere of intimacy created here. I'm sure Luigi could barely contain his fangirling :D
legionofthebeast chapter 1 . 6/10/2017
Ooh. They say so much with their looks so I can really imagine this. 2x04 is my favourite episode too.
Anon chapter 1 . 6/10/2017
Aw, looks like Gene got some physiotherapy anyway. Love it!
galex forever chapter 1 . 6/10/2017
I really enjoyed this fic. Keep up the good work.