Reviews for Traduttore, Traditore
Guest chapter 48 . 8/6
My word, that was good. I can’t think of a better. I rarely read fan fiction, because I tend to think the original of a thing to be the best —or else i t’s not worth my time in the first place. For me, fan fiction hardly ever seems to capture what I love about the story, the characters, that make me love it in the first place.
I read just enough from this, I don’t even remember why, to see that this was worth making an exception for. I am so glad I did. Well done, indeed.
I also much appreciate your author’s notes for languages and obscure references. Icing on the cake.
PicassoPenguin chapter 48 . 7/22
I just came back and reread this story, and got completely sucked in again. The people in this story are completely in character, and yet you developed them all so much more than they ever were in the twenty minute episodes of Hogan's Heroes. Don't even get me started on your OC's. Stevens is incredible, as are Forrest, Richmond, Lange (incredibley terrifying!), Hawkins, etc. Your word play and the way you work in actual history and strive for accuracy are all just so impressive. This feels like its worthy of being a novel. (In my unexperianced opinion.) As serious as the story gets sometimes, its also hilarious. There's a dry sense of humor throughtout the whole thing that I love. I kept cracking up when you introduced Carter. Not just the huff of air that you snort out your nose when you see something funny on the internet, actually laughing. Thank you for brightening my week with this story! (That's how long it took me to get through the whole thing again!)

-Picasso Penguin
smithcrafter chapter 48 . 1/1
I really enjoyed this story, and "Freedom Hanging by a Thread", which poionted me to this one. I'm now headed for your author page to find some more of your stories.
mrspencil chapter 48 . 8/18/2019
So much for my planned early night...
Wonderful writing:-)
Oconee Belle chapter 47 . 6/10/2019
I loved the entire story, but I had to come back to this chapter to leave my review. The whole story was awesome, but this one chapter really jumped out at me because of how you ended it.
The fact that Newkirk had been dangling for three years and the way LeBeau's loyalty finally was able to "cut the rope and let him down" gave me chills. It is the perfect visual. Perfect.
Although everything was amazing, this has to be my favorite part. A loyal friend breaking through the darkness really is a glorious feeling. And, through LeBeau's flashback and the pride in Newkirk's voice, I could literally see that happening.
No wonder their friendship is so strong!
Guest chapter 45 . 5/21/2019
Don’t be too hard on yourself. Newkirk is easier to write than Carter.
Guest chapter 43 . 5/21/2019
Aha! I thought this was the Stephens from the other story.
Guest chapter 39 . 5/21/2019
Liked the Newman/Newburg/etc. bit.
Guest chapter 32 . 5/21/2019
I ‘m stealing that line “permission to be chewed out in private, sir.”
Guest chapter 31 . 5/21/2019
The HAWKINS & Newkirk scene was well written.
Guest chapter 29 . 5/21/2019
Hogan’s next report to London will end Weston’s reputation, his career, and his life.
Guest chapter 20 . 5/21/2019
Rob is having a bad day, but he’s dealing with poor intell.
Guest chapter 15 . 5/21/2019
That explains why in the Ngaio Marsh novels Inspector Alleyn refers to his reporter friend Mr. Fox as Brer Fox. I had wondered about a Scotland Yard man knowing Joel Chandler Harris.
Guest chapter 13 . 5/21/2019
Ah, there’s Nimrod.
Guest chapter 12 . 5/21/2019
Typical of the era that Kinch would assume any negative reaction would be racial rather than national. I’v Never been able to figure out the circumstances whereby Kinch would be shot down to be captured, given how Negro troops were treated back then.
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