Reviews for Saint-Just
Daughter of Thranduil chapter 1 . 6/30/2017
This was fantastic! Honestly, I don't have enough superlatives for how well written this story is; and it's so perfectly in character. So many beautiful sentences, chief amongst them: "Moonlight made Enjolras ethereal; daylight made him terrible".

*doffs all the hats to you* - I could genuinely go on and on. So tremendously well done!
thatwritermadeofpotatoes chapter 1 . 6/3/2017
Wow, this... this was beautiful, to be honest. I absolutely love your characterization, it's incredibly believable. Your descriptions were breathtaking, from the looks of the characters to the down-trod streets of Paris. Very well done! :D
MusicalsandMordred chapter 1 . 6/3/2017
But wait...I want to see Enjolras' conversation with R! I know you've marked this as complete, and I agree that it need not be super long, but if you wrote more I would definitely read it! This was an incredible read