Reviews for Cravings
Cherubim chapter 2 . 2/18/2018
I thank you for doing what the writers of the Criminal Minds TV show should have done, which was to show how Spencer regained hope and purpose for the future by reconnecting with the people who love him, unconditionally, like Mauve
and Morgan.
pallyndrome chapter 2 . 12/27/2017
Oh this is such a sweet story and there’s such wisdom in Morgan’s words!
Analyn 100 chapter 2 . 10/15/2017
That was amazing.
Phoenixhp5 chapter 2 . 7/6/2017
Very cute little two-shot! Wished so badly that we could've had a scene between morgan and reid!
Guest chapter 2 . 6/17/2017
Thank you for writing Morgan and Reid! Good job!
angelcobra chapter 2 . 6/16/2017
What a welcome follow-up to your first chapter! This is probably the only scene between Morgan and Reid that we will get, and you have handled it brilliantly. There are again so many wonderful and inspired details throughout this chapter that it is impossible to list them all. I love how you held this imagined meeting up to the light and examined it from every possible angle, then set it all down in prose. I don’t think you missed a single story point.

Terrific creation of logical suspense when Diana describes the African-American at the door. Of course, Reid’s mind would immediately go to the threat Shaw made, even though his presence on the doorstep is impossible. Kudos for being able to quote episode dialogue.

I can believe that Reid would break down and cry only with Morgan. Their history as you recount it has always encompassed secret confidences and sympathy.

I love Morgan’s newfound domestic skills and affinity for recipes. This is a perfect example of you taking bare facts and making imaginative leaps. Once you consider that Morgan is loving his family life, it makes perfect sense that he would turn to cooking. But you are the one who imagined that. Love it. And what a wonderfully yummy egg dish, too!

Of course, there is no praise too far to describe the conversation about Reid wanting children, even Cat’s. Heartbreaking: “It’s me. I’m wrecked. Everything I touch turns into shit! I don’t want to destroy anything else!”

What a marvelous scene with Diana being so gracious and lucid at the breakfast table. How happy I am for Reid that he can savor this moment.

And a lovely speech by Morgan about Reid, their relationship, and his admiration for the man.

Praise, too, for Morgan confessing his dark deeds when he was kidnapped in order to make Reid feel less guilty. I truly appreciate your tying the episodes together this way.

Finally, a return to Proust, such a lovely scene from “Revelations.” Another great tie-in.

I won’t say that you have reached a pinnacle in story telling, because your talents seem to have no bounds. However, I am blown away by how far you have progressed since the first story of yours that I read.
3ffingawesome chapter 2 . 6/16/2017
Thank you for this insightful and heartwarming addition to your story. Well done!
ElisaC chapter 2 . 6/16/2017
This is beautiful!
Im glad to read this, and Morgan is right, it was lovely how Maeve is still present and told him to move on. Hope he gets a wife and babies geniouses.
fishtrek chapter 2 . 6/15/2017
I am so glad I found this! Well written
Bohogal1998 chapter 2 . 6/15/2017
AWWWW! I love that!
angelcobra chapter 1 . 6/4/2017
Wow! Just wow! What a lush story. It’s as if you had been given a black and white drawing of the episode, colored it, and gave it back to us in a dazzling array of colors. It is hard to imagine how any writer could have embellished “Red Light” with more imagined detail or references to the team’s personal relationships and past history.

Your story delivers so many arresting and unexpected insights. These are but a few of the lines and/or ideas that captured my admiration:

1. Diana wanting to see Cassie. Of course, she would and oh, the bind this puts Reid in. I love his excuse, which forecloses further attempts to get in touch, without causing Diana pain. Her line, “I guess she got sick of the weather, but I’d be worried about the earthquakes.”

2. “Spencer was not only looking for a remedy for his mother. He was looking for a cure for himself.”

3. The highly plausible likelihood that Cat will find a way to kill her unborn baby.

4. Diana’ s panic at the elevator and her connecting it with being locked in a car trunk.

5. How Diana living with him permanently means Reid needs a larger apartment.

6. How loose his old clothing is on him - and the Star Trek t-shirt.

7. Reciting Mary Darby Robinson’s “The Wish” to Diana.

8. “Spencer Reid, youuuu idiot,” he scolded himself. “As al-as always.”

9. “Spencer still had Aaron’s number on his speed dial.”

10. Maeve coming to him in a dream and your description of her. Her joking about being jealous that she didn’t get harps, candles, and golden-edged wine glasses.

11. Maeve saying that although Reid is now a free man, he still thinks of himself as behind bars.

12. An incredible paragraph where you brilliantly link Reid’s drug craving with a craving to be a father. I think that alone illustrates your narrative talent.

13. Maeve giving Reid permission to find love again.

I appreciate how you address some questions that left fans wondering, such as Reid doubting the earnestness of Emily’s and his team’s efforts to find the real killer. I love your explanation via Reid’s thoughts of why it only seemed that they were lax. The series’ writers could take a lesson from you in such matters.

And as good an explanation as we are likely to get as to why Morgan didn’t come running when Reid was in trouble.

Of course, there is the through narrative of Reid craving again. That fall into the abyss that he constantly holds at bay. I think resorting to alcohol is a perfectly justifiable substitute. No need for Reid to be ashamed. The occasional bender is better than the alternative.

Your final three paragraphs are marvelous. Your powers of description are awesome. I am so jealous.

An immense thank you for such a superlative story and all the creativity and effort you brought to it.
autumnamberleaves chapter 1 . 6/1/2017
What a beautiful, splendid story. It really shows Reid's's believable and probable state of mind. I loved this story all the way through, but the last line was pure gold.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/1/2017
You seriously need to write more, I was expecting to read another one of your Morgan-Reid bromances.
3ffingawesome chapter 1 . 6/1/2017
Thank you for your achingly insightful look into Dr. Reid's heart and mind after "Red Light". And thank you for using your vivid imagination and great talent to take us all from despair to a place of hope with him. Well done!
Bohogal1998 chapter 1 . 6/1/2017
Great story! But I wish you would have done a tag where Morgan came to visit him like he said he was going to.
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