Reviews for Magnetism
Guest reviewer chapter 8 . 5/11
okay so I've read this story at least a twenty times and god do I hope you continue it! I love Kim and Shego's relationship and the way they play off each other. I also love her interactions with Ann and James, I'd like to see some James and Shego conversations since it seems like he's trying to reach out (I kind of imagined him kissing the top of Shego's head without thinking about it if she hadn't seemed so horrified lol) And I appreciate you not making Ron out to be a bad guy like a lot of fics do.
Any way please keep up the good work and I hope to read more!
Guest chapter 8 . 4/2
Okay, I am absolutely, positively obsessed and in love with this story! The chemistry, the banter, the action sequences! Loving it! I hope you update soon! Thank you!
Smashingcrosses chapter 8 . 3/24
Very well written and enjoying the story! Hope too see an update from you soon!
Guest chapter 8 . 3/17
This story is just... wow. How am I just now finding this? I'm loving the flirty banter between Kim and Shego. I can't wait to see what you have going on next.
CBulldog09 chapter 8 . 12/27/2019
This is such an amazing story! Fantastic plot and the dialogue is so on point! Can't wait for the next chapter!
AncientUrn chapter 8 . 12/19/2019
This is so dope. Waiting for more is gonna be torture. :v
kirsant chapter 8 . 11/25/2019
What an absolute delight it has been reading your story. I finished all eight chapters in one sitting - couldn't let it go. My absolute favorite part is the banter between Kim and Shego; fun, snarky, sexy. But everything else is so well done too: Ron's insecurities, for example, were cloaked but present in his first fight with Kim...only to be brought out into the open in such an emotional fashion later on. Fantastic!

One tiny issue with this chapter: you have Kim and Shego fight in a dojo with a public audience in this chapter, which seems to clash with their goal of keeping Shego's presence hidden. Kim even lies about this to Dr. Director in an earlier chapter.

Anyways...I'm really eager for an update! Can't wait! And a huge thank you for writing - I know how much times and effort it takes.
kirsant chapter 6 . 11/25/2019
I think this is my favorite chapter up to date. First, the argument with Ron, then the quiet conversation between Kim and Shego in the darkness, which then leads to Kim lying to Dr. Director... it feels like one of the most natural and poignant moments of growth for Kim as a character that I have ever read. Kudos!
kirsant chapter 4 . 11/25/2019
I'm halfway through your story now, and I've got say: what a treat! I love the writing, the characters, the dialogue - it all feels so incredibly alive. Thank you for writing!
kirsant chapter 1 . 11/25/2019
Wow. What an amazing - and vivid - first chapter. The scene at the end...Shego's anger building up, the final outburst foreshadowed by the phone she destroyed...oof. Wow. Great work!
GirlGotSwag chapter 8 . 9/7/2019
Amazing, this is my first time reading this story an honestly I didn't even realize that I was on the last chapter because I was so enthralled with it.
Hopefully you'll keep updating.
Daryl chapter 8 . 8/21/2019
Good job, welcome back
Knight of Discord chapter 8 . 8/17/2019
Great to see this updating again.
Saberfan83 chapter 8 . 8/15/2019
Glad to see you are still updating this fic. I just have to say that the way you are developing Shego and Kim's romance is the epitome of slow burn, but I'm loving it. Hope you update again soon.
Person of no interest chapter 8 . 8/14/2019
Its good to hear from you again, I love it when I get a notification that this fic has updated!
I really like how in this chaoter you let Ron and Kim have a sit down to discuss their feelings with eachother. That was a very good moment of character development and I feel they are stronger because of it.

I am super curious about what exactly this No-Zone lady is working on. She obviously has a piece of the comet and is mucking around with it but why? That is the million dollar question and I cant wait to read more chapters to find the answer.
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