Reviews for At the Headmaster's Discretion
Angie106 chapter 26 . 7/25
Your writing is amazing, and it’s wonderful they ended up happy. The ministry can go drown. Anyways I remember commenting way back on one chapter about feeling icky, I take that back, your writing is too amazing to feel icky. Thank you for writing this, you’re crazy talented~
YgritteCharu chapter 26 . 7/7
It came to an end. Despite it being a middle length story I found it... the closest to perfection so far. Hands down this SSHG story is one of the best I have read and you have to believe me I have indulged in a few so far. I finished reading this story with a smile on my face and sensation of warmth in my heart. Somehow I found myself forcing to understand the reason for such a small number of hearts next to this title, thought it had appeared obvious at first due to the first chapters. Now I understand that people generally do not appreciate or withstand the story long enough to be carried with it and simply... finish it. I don’t blame you dear readers, I was also scared at first (I have also learned that stories with the lover rating may beat the ones with the high rating, don’t be misled). For those brave or... curious I can only say, go for it and maybe at the end you will find... well I guess you have to see for yourself.

Dear writer, Aussie, first of all thank you, for your time and effort, creativity and stamina, thoughts given to this story and the skilful language, thank you for sharing it with us, readers. Thank you also for “the ending”, I had a feeling that you had not dismissed it but had given everything into this story till the last sentence. As I mentioned before I have read quite a substantial number of SSHG stories yet this is the first one that I am leaving my thoughts and gratitude at the end. Thank you again.

I am off to bed... completely... satisfied.
dtb chapter 26 . 7/5
Thank you for this DC. Love your characterizations & dialog btw Hermione and the Headmaster;) It is somewhat hard for me to read fics which are primarily D/s in their essence...where Hermione (or other heroine) is pushed around and has things done to her. Also for her to be so utterly desirous of S.S.'s attention and approval. However your beautiful writing and the way things ended up made me very happy. Hope you've found some degree of healing from the obstacles you faced in 2017. Not that covid19 is allowing any of us to find our groove just now but...maybe in a year? Best wishes and looking forward to reading more of yr work:)
SelkieWitch chapter 26 . 6/19
Loved this. Beautifully written. Made me feel all upset for them both in all the right places. Thank you!
Dicome chapter 1 . 3/22
love it love it love it love it
HermioneSnape394 chapter 1 . 3/10
I'm loving this story soooo much and loving this dark, pervert Severus more
Angie106 chapter 26 . 2/20
wonderful ending, and lovely story. Thank you for writing it
Angie106 chapter 7 . 2/19
I love your writing, and I have read loads of other works with similar kink themes. But I don't know why this particular work makes the whole situation feel like abuse of power.

I understand it's a story, maybe it's because you wrote it too well, but it's horrible that all her pain is bundled up and ridiculed by snape. The story is sometimes hard to digest.

Still love your writing and thank you for your contribution to the story pool.
Angie106 chapter 2 . 2/19
I know this is a story and for entertainment purposes. But I hope dearly that Hogwarts has some kind of committee for sexual harrasement if this kind of coercion happens.
KitMalfoy chapter 16 . 1/21
I am really enjoying this story so far, sorry I haven't reviewed sooner.
Smerby chapter 26 . 1/11
I hadn't read this one by you before, and I'm so glad I did. You beautifully handle sex in your fics in a way I've never seen elsewhere and I'd love to read any original work by you that did the same. You just have an amazing insight into the minds and emotions of people and I love it. I'm so sorry at the grief you dealt with while writing this particular fic and hope you have found peace and happiness since.
JessicaImpossible chapter 20 . 1/5
As if Harry and Ron would allow the ministry to obliviate her. Not without full blown repercussion.
monay9e chapter 26 . 12/29/2019
Loved it!
VanoraRyn chapter 26 . 11/1/2019
I read your story in a short amount of time, and I love it. The Story is great, I enjoyed it from the beginning to the end. Thank you
And FOREVER chapter 25 . 10/25/2019
this story kept me going at every chapter, making me wonder the who what and why. great job! I loved the healing aspect of the BDSM!
I knew there was some kinda reason behind it all, but I never could figure it out!
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