Reviews for A Lukewarm Latte and Coconut Milk
Glen Coco chapter 20 . 11/8/2019
This was an entertaining story at some points. There is a lot of dialogue between the main characters. It really goes into a lot of detail about how they're feeling, especially Kara.
Glen Coco chapter 12 . 11/5/2019
Haha. Kara needs to take a chill pill. She has too many dirty thoughts...during work hours (which is worse).
Guest chapter 22 . 9/16/2019
I'm sorry but you really need to acknowledge Kara issues and how she really isn't talking to Lena and you basically just written Lena's character to take what she gets without telling how she feels about it. Its completely unfair how Kara was and still is treating Lena without a proper explanation. This is an unhealthy relationship and that needs to be brought up. That what needs to be worked on for this story otherwise you're doing well.
AlwaysMovingForward chapter 9 . 7/24/2019
Coeur D'Amertume chapter 22 . 5/24/2019
love it
Rufy SaeYuki chapter 22 . 4/20/2019
Kara Lena moment are very pleasant description not the rate M part even though it's more enjoyable #Lol thank you for making this GBU
udkudk chapter 1 . 3/25/2019
Will you continue this story? Please continue...
ald2106 chapter 5 . 3/8/2019
I'm glad Lena told Alex off. It annoys me the amount she tries to control Karas life.
ND Mindoir chapter 22 . 12/31/2018
I gotta say, I love this story. I'm a total sucker for slowburn. the slower, the better, though it's a bit too back and forth for my liking. However the angsty aproach is awesome and very reasonable. It always bothered me a bit that Kara was such a ray of sunshine with all the shit that's happened to her.
Meaningless Us3rname chapter 22 . 10/23/2018
I love all of the emotional connections between characters, the segment between Lena and Cat in this chapter alone is perfect. it is also the first story I've ever read that touches on Kara's long lasting trauma. Watching everyone she ever loved die, and then being abandoned by Clark, who is a selfish dick, and then having Astra die in her arms... it's a miracle Kara is still functioning. Superman is one of my all time favorite characters, so it's a testament to your writing that I feel like I hate him while reading about Kara's suffering.
It's also great to read stories by one of the best OUAT authors in another fandom. Supergirl is a fun twist, from magic to syfy. I hope there will eventually be more, but honestly that last sentence did almost feel like a natural end
Squidgod812 chapter 22 . 10/13/2018
great story
MMMMk chapter 22 . 5/14/2018
I hope you come back to this someday! I love it! And that you validate Kara’s feelings- seriously there must be some level of depression there
Guest chapter 22 . 4/18/2018
I’d love for you to continue this story. How can we all the fans convince you?
Jupiter Slayer chapter 1 . 4/6/2018
Very good start! I loved the way you are portraying their relationship from what would be the end of it but you still can see the love and pain. I feel like you are giving Kara more depth, that I feel she sometimes lacks in the series and Lena feels more vulnerable. Now on to the next chapter.
MissyDoodles02 chapter 22 . 3/29/2018
10/10 love this to absolute bits! the writing is absolutely breathtaking and the plot beautifully crafted and executed! please keep it going!
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