Reviews for What The Heart Wants
dorisalynne2003 chapter 4 . 7/3
Is this story done? If not are there plans to finish it?
JLL1234 chapter 1 . 4/2
So sorry for your loss. I posted my prior review before reading your RETIRED status on your profile. Hope time has helped to heal your wounds. Take care.
JLL1234 chapter 4 . 4/2
I absolutely love this story but it's more than 2 years since your last update so I assume you're not going to finish this. I love your writing and this story is so cute. I guess I'll have to read one of your other stories when I want an SdaisyS fix!
KMariaJ chapter 3 . 11/27/2019
Is Charlie only 2 years old? She seems much older with her way of thinking and reasoning and it's not possible for a kid that young to do that . Well it's your story your rules..hope you continue with the writing. Sincerely Maria
elibonitag chapter 4 . 11/21/2019
I started reading this knowing that it wasnt complete because the story line really sounded interesting, and Im very sorry to see that you retired from the site because of a personal lost. I wish you good luck in everything and that you find solace and comfort in your life.
Maybe someday youll come back and finish your stories...
Take care!
P.Self chapter 4 . 11/8/2019
Please come back and finish this story,You have a great talent for this kind of thing.
Guest chapter 4 . 11/4/2019
Lmfaso! He forgot Tia that’s says everything about their relationship.
Cheryle.Pow chapter 4 . 11/5/2019
Hadn't realised when I started this story that it hasn't been updated for over 2 years, what a shame as its good so far. Please consider coming back to it again
LadySophie4 chapter 4 . 10/17/2019
Awesome story! Can't wait for more
Ajal2007 chapter 4 . 10/13/2019
this is good!
cigdem3000 chapter 4 . 10/10/2019
Are you going to continue with this story? Is there a chance for an update... like soonis ?

I enjoyed reading your work. Thanks
Guest chapter 4 . 10/5/2019
Good story, what a shame you have not updated this story I was very disappointed ️ as it was brilliant I hope you will think of updating this story soon
MajorisAngus chapter 4 . 9/22/2019
Jajaja. Tía is out.
Rmoure chapter 4 . 8/30/2019
So this is it we just assume that he leaves Tia for Ana and his child?
Tracy Larsen Johnson chapter 4 . 8/29/2019
Oh my gosh... more please! Great story loving it, please post more soon! Talented!
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