Reviews for Meant To Be
FlowerFix chapter 5 . 2/27/2019
Noooo Jack whyyyyy
strong bella chapter 25 . 12/3/2018
This story is so awesome and deserves more reviews. I'm guilty as well, this is my 2nd time reading it and just noticed how few reviews this fantastic story has. Great job on the writing.
kallianeira chapter 11 . 4/19/2018
So many things I liked about this chapter! I loved the date, the way Timothy kind of looked out for Rose’s feelings, John asking the headmaster for Rose’s hand (oh my god!) and Jack and Rose even if it was just a really small thing at the end!

I do have two little things that I... i don’t know, didn’t like doesn’t really fit, but I just wanted to say something about them. First, while Euthyphro is a Socratic dialogue, it was actually written by Plato! Then there’s something I wanted to say a few chapters back but forgot to say after all, and that is that I’m not so sure about the photo album. This is set in 1912, and I’m not sure if a whole book full of photos of Rose’s childhood and everyday things is entirely historically accurate considering the fact that I wouldn’t see them as an upper middle class family (or anything above that), and those were the only people who could afford their own camera in that time... this is not really critique, I just wanted to make you aware of those two things, I mean they don’t really make much of a difference to the plot or anything but they do make me as a history and ancient classics nerd stop and think ‘hm, that doesn’t seem quite right!’ So yeah, feel free to just ignore this cause the story is amazing as it is, but I just wanted to point that out to you!

Thank you for this chapter though! As I said before, there were so many things I loved about it!
kallianeira chapter 10 . 4/18/2018
I always love seeing Rose and Jack interact, especially that Jack was protective of her this chapter! I can’t wait to see what special place John wants to show Rose! Thank you for this chapter!
kallianeira chapter 9 . 4/18/2018
Wow, getting a bit heated there haha! I also loved that John painted Rose! Lovely chapter, thank you!
kallianeira chapter 8 . 4/18/2018
Aw I love a good love declaration! Thank you for this chapter!
kallianeira chapter 7 . 4/18/2018
This was beautiful! I agree that it’s all going very fast with these two, but I still enjoy watching them fall in love like that! Thank you for another great chapter!
kallianeira chapter 6 . 4/17/2018
Oh no, Jackie! But I understand your decision 100%. Lovely if sad chapter... thank you!
kallianeira chapter 5 . 4/17/2018
So many yays in this chapter! Yay for having Jack still trying to break them up and being caught doing it! Yay for Joan still trying to flirt with John! Yay for John showing Rose the journal! Yay for Rose loving it! And of course: yay! for the kiss! I loved this chapter! Thank you for writing this!
kallianeira chapter 4 . 4/16/2018
Thanks for the chapter! It all got resolved a bit quickly with Jack trying to break them up and Joan flirting with John, I’m hoping to see a bit more of that in the next few chapters! Just cause it seems a bit unlikely for them to back off so quickly... but I loved seeing Rose and John so happy, and the dinner date! Oh and have I mentioned that I love that Rose is from that time period in this story? I don’t think I have! But I like it a lot! It fits! Thank you!
kallianeira chapter 3 . 4/16/2018
Aw I loved this chapter! The date was cute and John meeting Jackie was so adorable! Thank you for this chapter, I enjoyed reading it!
kallianeira chapter 2 . 4/15/2018
Wow, things really are going much faster than anticipated! Maybe I’m just too used to slow burn fics but this change of pace is refreshing and I’m sure there’ll be some obstacles to overcome for them what with Jack trying to break them up! Loved the first date! And I can’t wait to see what Jackie has to say when she eventually meets John haha! Thanks for this great chapter!
kallianeira chapter 1 . 4/15/2018
First chapter and I already love it! I loved how the TARDIS made sure Rose wouldn’t get pregnant cause she knew they wouldn’t be able to keep it in their pants haha! And their first meeting was really cute! I’m looking forward to reading the rest of this story, this has been amazing so far! Thank you for writing this!
Guest chapter 25 . 7/12/2017
One criticism: Rose accepted the Doctor too quickly. She could say she'll still love him once he changes back, but there wasn't any time where she SEES that he and John are the same. She jumps in bed with him without seeing that he is still the man she married. It's too prefect! Not enough conflict, uncertainties, or drama!
SarahSmiles32 chapter 25 . 7/7/2017
I absolutely loved this story! Is there going to be a sequel?
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