Reviews for Batman x Re:Zero: The Dark Knight Starting Life in Another World
Buggy chapter 7 . 7/26
Characterization isn't spot on. Batman is acting like a kid, and the characters are crying for little reason.
There's no plot beyond Batman being "awesome".
If this is even supposed to be a crack-fic, it failed really hard.
Deidara San1 chapter 5 . 7/13
Maravilhoso essa fanfic
Guest chapter 110 . 7/5
Damn, what a way to end things off. This story really was in my opinion, executed perfectly despite the few errors here and there. Not gonna lie, was kind of hoping for a happy ending but hey, I guess I can't complain with the bitter sweet one eh?
TheBibliophile2718 chapter 6 . 7/3
Okay, at least this chapter is finally something different. The first few were like 70% just the first few episodes of Re:Zero going by the exact same with Batman doing things in between. If Batman's not going to change anything, you don't really need to spend more than a sentence or so reminding readers what gets repeated from the anime.

Also, paragraphs can have more than two sentences in them. The way it's written now is really stilted, you're only supposed to write a new paragraph for every new topic or piece of dialogue.
crunchyleavesfall chapter 17 . 6/22
I felt you missed an opportunity with Ram and roswaal. Comparing their abusive and one sided relationship to that of the Jokers and Harleys. lol Very similar.
Mr.Shiki chapter 110 . 4/22
Thank you for this masterpiece i dont know if you still read the comments but i still feel the need to say it. You have a talent which i am honored to have witnessed.
dandragonmc chapter 7 . 3/20
Batman out of character
Flenners fanfics chapter 31 . 3/11
me: i love this
batman: i think i made the right choice
gotham: no longer scumy because of this fanfic
Flenners fanfics chapter 29 . 3/11
me and baymax: oh no
hiro: why are you making a reference to big hero six. it's not even an anime!
me: loses sight of what i was trying to do
Flenners fanfics chapter 25 . 3/11
me: batman you need to learn to control time
batman: what the heck are you talking about?
Flenners fanfics chapter 10 . 3/9
me: ...
subaru: screams
me: please don't screw up this time
Flenners fanfics chapter 9 . 3/9
me: fails to cry
rem: why aren't you crying
me: im a guy, im dead inside. also i may be insane
batman: no your not insane.
me: subaru don't mess up on the third loop
Flenners fanfics chapter 7 . 3/8
OH GOLLY - purple shep said that
Flenners fanfics chapter 6 . 3/7
why not have joker involved?
Guest chapter 10 . 1/13
Damn! Batman really brutalized this series!
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