Reviews for Just a Nickname
ae2000x chapter 1 . 12/3/2019
IGdude117 chapter 1 . 8/17/2017
Awesome story- short but sweet. You have a great, almost poetic voice in this one, and you do a great job of conveying Mai's inner thoughts, her personality, and her thoughts about Zuko. You almost create this sense of an inner dialogue between Mai's two sides- the side that was cultivated carefully by her parents that we see she resents in "The Beach", as well as the more passionate, hidden side that we catch glimpses of throughout the series and the comics.

And hey, looks like you got your revenge; you got me in the feels at the end, so kudos.

Great story!
Loopy777 chapter 1 . 5/18/2017
Nice! Great job capturing Mai's casual tone, and the juxtaposition of the song lyrics and the pronouncement of Zuko's banishment make for a nice gut punch. A clever and well done one-shot.