Reviews for Valley of Remembrance
XiaoQing10 chapter 1 . 6/17
Hi there,

I don't know if you will ever see my message. I hope you would, but I'd understand if you didn't. But I really, really hope you do.

It's simply amazing how you write the characters from Naruto. It's like a miracle, especially how much humanity, depth and richness you inject into them (especially in Shikamaru and Ino, Ino especially). Ino became my bias because of your work. Its like you injected new sides into them and expand them so far ahead and so wonderfully I could cry. My heart breaks deeply and simultaniously sing with joy when I read your work. I read your work years back and since I decided to give Naruto a brief visit (everytime I do goosebumps and shivers overcome me because these characters mean so much to me and I get so emotional over them because they grew and stayed with me and gave me so much joy and grief sometimes I dont even want to dwell too deep into them for fear if I do I will never get out or even want to get out), your works came to mind I have searched furiously for it and thank god I've found them and immediately downloaded them.

So I want to thank you so much for spending your remarkable talents writing for the Naruto fandom. Fans like us are so blessed to have them. You are possibly one of the greatest writers in the Naruto fandom, and maybe even the greatest.

thank you thank you thank you
Vongola Princessa chapter 1 . 8/16/2017
What a lovely dark trilogy! Shikamaru has always been one of my fav character and this was such an interesting and fitting analysis of him
Holly Wills chapter 1 . 6/5/2017
"You gave up your life for me."

God, my heart constricts with that one line. I have tears - actual tears - in my eyes, and that rarely happens when I read fan fics.

I love you and your stories so much. Thank you for writing the end of this trilogy! It's a bittersweet - and yet so, so fitting - ending. I wish you all the luck for all your future stories, and please write more ShikaIno! :)
rawblue chapter 1 . 6/4/2017
I've been a reader of your fanfics for many years. Even though I'm not into Naruto fanfictions as I used to be, I always come back to your stories because you're simply wonderful. I wish I was good with words lol but just know the way you write is amazing and I love how much they make me feel. Thank you for InoShika stories especially and please don't ever stop writing about them!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/31/2017
Aghhh this was so good! A beautifully written and constructed piece. I hope to see more Ino writing from you :)
paosu chapter 1 . 5/18/2017
this masterpiece made me literally cry in the first 5 minutes. you explored how broken shika is and the truly power of the yamanaka. perfect as always, thank you so much!
my only hope is that you can writte more shikaino, please please please
Guest chapter 1 . 5/15/2017
I love it
Hrizantema chapter 1 . 5/14/2017
This is look the end.
Deep feels, unsaid words between us... But ice started melt and Im glad )
Sensual story, clinging!
Thepercussion chapter 1 . 5/14/2017
Thank you for this work. I can't imagine how hard it must be to write this, to let these moments go through you.
I love this story, but my heart still aches because they don't happy at all. My poor girl Ino deserve so much love and happiness T.T