Reviews for When I'm Gone
phoenixshine chapter 1 . 7/29/2019
Ok SERIOUSLY? WHY WHY WHY WHYYYYYYYYY DID YOU HAVE TO DO THIS? WASN'T THE SHOW'S BRUTAL ENDING NOT A SHARP ENOUGH STAB IN THE HEART? Did you have to just take the knife and twisted in my wound? This HURT! A LOT! I half expected Alex to just show up from somewhere in the end, but deep inside i knew she wouldn't... And I am broken now ugh HOW DARE YOU?

And Luigi, my poor sweet Luigi... A cupid? With such an unsuccessful mission costing him his moving onward? I HAVE INTENSE FEELINGS YOU MERCILESS HUMAN BEING!

And do not even get me started on how you combined the two episodes and culminated Gene's grief in his outbreak at her house... I just can't even form words about that!

If you need me I'll be in a corner crying myself to sleep..
Curmy chapter 1 . 6/8/2017
I love your Galex fanfics, I hope you'll write some more, they're very good !
Sarah7293 chapter 1 . 5/28/2017
This actually made me all emotional. I love it. A beautiful read :')
midnightread chapter 1 . 5/22/2017
Really liked it. I wonder what Alex wrote?
theglamourfades chapter 1 . 5/15/2017
Okay, so you had me sobbing at the summary. I adore how absolutely and completely in character they both are - you seriously do nail their voices - and then underneath the surface all the feelings come through. Gene, especially, with his lustful thoughts of certain parts of Alex's anatomy with that terrifying emotion of pure love beneath it. And then she's gone and he's lost and it breaks my heart. That's an amazing stroke of genius with Luigi - I love it! It all makes so much sense. The detail of the photograph was beautiful, and there was just enough detail about the letter (the most important parts!) to give the shipper heart what it wants. Though I secretly hope it did actually read as Alex said ;)

Thanks so much for this!
CoopsHoops chapter 1 . 5/14/2017
I really enjoyed this. Love the contrast of the two chapters and the idea of Luigi's role in their love story. Well done and thank you!
galex forever chapter 1 . 5/14/2017
This is so good! I really enjoy your stories. You have nailed Gene's and Alex's character.
Please write another fic very soon.