Reviews for Guiding Hands
rebecca-in-blue chapter 14 . 10/15/2018
I love that you end this story with Neville - a new generation of Hogwarts teachers, one who grew up with the Trio. This meeting is so sweet and bittersweet, a good ending place. Tiny typo: "good at {it}"
rebecca-in-blue chapter 13 . 10/8/2018
I thought this was going in a different direction at first (and I would've liked to see that), but this is still a touching portrait of the friendship between these two. "her smirks were telling enough" - haha, I can just see this on Maggie Smith's face!
rebecca-in-blue chapter 12 . 10/1/2018
What a perfect, devastating portrait of Albus and his self-doubts. He always seemed from the outside like he had everything all figured out, so I love the twist that he's actually flying by the seat of his pants on "prayers and guesswork."
rebecca-in-blue chapter 11 . 9/24/2018
Geez, Snape's self-loathing here. At first it seems so ridiculous of him to hate the other teachers for being nice to him, but you do a good, subtle job at showing how he hates them for forgiving him, because he never forgives himself. You almost make me feel sorry for the guy.
rebecca-in-blue chapter 10 . 9/18/2018
I don't know what I was expecting for Quirrell's chapter, but that was a surprise. He seemed like such a nice guy before Voldemort got his hooks into him. Rather sad, with a good, foreboding last line.
rebecca-in-blue chapter 9 . 9/12/2018
I love that Filius's favorite spell is the first one because of the wonder and enthusiasm it creates. It reminds me of the innocent tone of the first book. I also like the interaction between the teachers, like how Filius is so amused that Sybil annoys Minerva.
rebecca-in-blue chapter 8 . 9/10/2018
I wish this chapter was longer. I would've loved to see more of Crouch Jr's perspective of pretending to be Moody (but this is mostly about his father). I love the little reluctant like for teaching that creeps in at the end.
rebecca-in-blue chapter 7 . 9/4/2018
This was an interesting chapter. Umbridge was one of the most twisted villains of the series to me, but of course inside her own head she's the sensible adult.
rebecca-in-blue chapter 6 . 8/27/2018
This is a great chapter. It really makes me feel for Sybil (who, like Minerva, I never liked) without getting too wallowy or angsty. She admits that she's a fraud here, but she also wonders how she didn't see this coming, which is really interesting to me. I wonder if she's only aware of this when she's fall-down drunk.
rebecca-in-blue chapter 5 . 8/20/2018
Heh, Fred and George, always up to something. You do a good job here at showing how much Minerva likes them despite trying to hide it.
rebecca-in-blue chapter 4 . 8/13/2018
Oh my goodness, I *loved* this chapter! Friendship fics are probably my favorite genre, and it's so sweet how Minerva and Filius try to encourage Hagrid as a nervous new teacher here (although I think they put a little too much trust in Dumbledore's judgement). The humor, the gentle teasing - just delightful.
rebecca-in-blue chapter 3 . 8/6/2018
I like to think that your OC in this chapter was named after Lisa Simpson, because that's who she reminds me of in how she sees right through all of Lockhart's crap. Tiny typo: "to his every (word)"
rebecca-in-blue chapter 2 . 8/1/2018
Some elements of teaching are universal, and that really shows in how well the Hogwarts professors translate into Muggle high school teachers. I loved the dialogue between all of them, and there are so many nice little touches, like Minerva being so intimidating and Severus's black lab coat - lol!
rebecca-in-blue chapter 1 . 7/23/2018
What a wonderful one-shot. It was great to see Remus getting some good news and feeling hopeful for his future. I love how you write the Marauders' voices in flashback, and Remus's real longing to be a teacher and do something worthwhile. Even though it only lasted a year, I think he did make a real difference to his students in that time. Tiny typo: "something (akin) to hope"
pumpkinraindrop chapter 14 . 8/25/2017
This is awesome. I love seeing the professors povs. Awesome.
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