Reviews for The Burdens Of Childhood
Guest chapter 12 . 6/13
Love this fanfic! Keep up the great writing, and I love the added suspense of the snape/werewolf thing. Perhaps that fear is a tether, and could snap kid!snape out of his amnesia... hope this gets picked up again :)
Norv chapter 12 . 6/1
sev enfant quel délice, j'adore, j'espère vraiment que cette histoire succulente aura une suite; merci pour ce super moment de lecture!
Akemii Fullbuster chapter 12 . 2/25
Please continue it you left it at the best part :(
gginsc chapter 12 . 10/28/2019
I know it is probably hopeless, but I really wish you would finish this story.
Destiny chapter 12 . 6/27/2019
When r u going to update
Scarborough Fair Canticle chapter 12 . 6/21/2019
Please update some time soon. Please! I wanna know what happens next.
Scarborough Fair Canticle chapter 11 . 6/21/2019
I would want to see Sev stay a child. Though, really, either one would be neat. (Especially now.)
Scarborough Fair Canticle chapter 1 . 6/21/2019
Patrolling to Mojave almost make me wish I could sell my soul so that you could please update the story! Please, bless us mere mortal with a new chapter. I beg of you!
solvasquez99 chapter 12 . 10/27/2018
Me encantó está historia, el Severus que leo en este fanfic me tiene más que cautivada y todavía más el hecho de saber que los otros personajes ya tienen encuenta lo que le hicieron a Severus mediante sus actos egoístas, a mi no me jodan con que "casi matar a una persona es debido a la inmadurez, a la adolecencia que no los deja pensar claramente". Por dios me choca la actitud que se cargan algunos gryffindor de ser los mejores, me vale reverenda mierda hasta la misma Lyli Evans, que sólo por un insulto le dio la espalda a Severus, a mi me han dicho cosas peores mis amigos y no estoy haciendome la indignada, perdón pero es mi punto de vista. Así que siempre buscó fanfics de Severus en los que él les de una paliza psicológica a media mundo para sentirme satisfecha y que terminé con él en un final feliz. He visto que este fanfic ya lleva años estancado pero bueno al menos me he deleitado con un Severus inocente, que le da a mi alma 5 años más de vida, gracias por compartirnos está historia y si lees este comentario (que lo dudó) te has ganado una lectora latina. Chao.
Guest chapter 12 . 8/18/2018
Please update
nayukiamnesia chapter 12 . 5/7/2016
what the hell? no update in like YEARS a lot of years i mean come on 2009? really?! please update this is going to drive me nuts! ps: i love you story~ 3
sarahsezlove chapter 12 . 8/8/2015
Such a shame this was never finished.
Guest chapter 12 . 1/9/2015
If you are not going to finish why did U start writing the story anyways;3 but good story though please finish what you started!
lizyeh2000 chapter 12 . 11/8/2014
Love your story now following! .
LoireLoa chapter 12 . 7/1/2014
I really do love this fic. I feel like Surius and Dumbledore's need to remember that Lucius has protected Severus and been his "family" for longer than either of them have known him at all. Lucius is actually Severus' friend and confidant in reality, not just in his second childhood. He and Draco care about Severus, and they have more of a right to be around him than anyone in the Order does, and certainly more than Dumbledore and Sirius who have both contributed in ruining (and endangering) his life.
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