Reviews for The End Times - Retold
Guest chapter 22 . 3/31
Had such hopes for this story fixing much of the abomination that was the end times but honestly Valten is a huge part of why it is bullshit. It’s so cheap and takes away so much of the struggle. People trained, fought for years and then pop, up comes Valten who gets everything given to him and he’s magically perfect, all problems solved. With no Valten, even if Franz became more than human this story is infinitely better.
Ketch117 chapter 22 . 7/9/2019
Enjoying this a hell of a lot. Some of the interactions (particularly among the villains) could be improved, but it's a wild and inventive tide.
Guest chapter 22 . 7/10/2018
One of the best stories set in alternative end times.
deadliestfan chapter 2 . 6/25/2018
Hmm from reading the End Times Nagash novel, it is hinted Aliathra knows her true parentage. That said, she could certainly be in denial at this point.

I think you give good character to Finubar and Thogrim. Though many Dwarfs are excessively unforgiving, Thorgrim seems more pragmatic. There is still his vow to get rid of all grudges, but it is tempered by the realization that there are different means to perform such a goal. Rather than casting the Elgi out and demanding payment in immediate gold (or blood) it seems like he is willing to undertake the long term route. Likewise Finubar seems to realize humans do have an advantage at this point with their population and technological growth, while many Asur simply see everything they do as pale comparisons of their own.

Awesome plot twist with Vlad! I see you have done some deep reading, if you recognize Manndred's origins as the son of a Arabyean concubine and prince. Did you also know Vlad is Vashanesh according to the same author?
deadliestfan chapter 1 . 6/25/2018
I have been looking forward to reviewing your story for a while, as yours is definitely an inspiration for my own fic, which will ultimately be a crossover between End Times Warhammer and Warcraft's Azeroth.

Your fic is promising right out the gate! You have not only the Skaven making an appearence, but the Chaos Dwarfs (which GW pretty much ignored throughout the End times; a developer QnA was needed to fill us in our their fate) and the Black Knight- Malloblade, I presume- as well. Quite promising, since I have been interested in both plotlines.

My only criticism is the Skaven speech (lacking repetitions, yes-yes) and the Vilitch-Archaon play by play. Lorewise, they absolutely hate each other, more than is normal for Chaos.
Carre chapter 22 . 6/24/2018
1. All I have to say is that, what I hope to read:
One: Malekith still ends up as the Pheonix King (or Highking of all Elfs) as in the End Times Lore (loved the irony that he was the True King all along).
... That and for some reason he marries Aliathra (and she is willingy doing it as well).
Two: Neferata survives and (like in the Canon... or the book "The Lord of the End Times" by Josh Reynolds) becomes freinds with Khalida again.
Three: More White Dwarf action (and that He still forgives Malekith)!
2. Keep Up the Good Work (Thumbs Up!).
grankhan chapter 22 . 6/23/2018
EVA-Saiyajin chapter 22 . 6/23/2018
Rather nice. Luthor’s religious stupidity shows, while Vlad displays his own brand of “patriotism” and cunning.

Franz meanwhile just wants everyone to shut the hell up and work with him to save the world.
deathwing17 chapter 22 . 6/23/2018
you know I really, REALLY hope that someone punches that idiot Luthor Huss in the face asap.
EVA-Saiyajin chapter 21 . 6/11/2018
Well, that was that. At least Gelt wasn't totally fucked as in the End Times, just partially.

Go Valten.
Hack chapter 21 . 6/11/2018
Pls I want to see what happens to Aliathra in Brettonia
Archannos chapter 21 . 6/11/2018
rc48177 chapter 21 . 6/10/2018
me thinkith the Supreme Patriarch has misjudged.
EVA-Saiyajin chapter 16 . 4/11/2018
Very nice, very nice indeed. Grombrindal was disgustingly underused in the End Times. He appeared all of one time and that was it.

I like how you’re filling in little nuances to give Order a chance while keeping to the general conditions and situations of the End Times.
me chapter 20 . 3/19/2018
Blessed be the soul that has touched the deepest and darkest pits created by the three times damned Matthew Ward and his dumbfuckery.

Sigmar preserve the one who places logic and common sense above useless battles that amount to nothing.

Isha embrace the one who delivers ground-shaking literature in this grim times of profit over quality.

This story deserves far more attention than it gets
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