Reviews for Vector's Quest
Nox Magnus Dux chapter 1 . 5/9/2017
BurningKnuckleLadiesMan105 . 5 m ago
Not sure whether I should beat the author senseless for writing this story, or beat myself senseless so I could forget that I ever read this

TalkToTheHand106. 4 m ago
I've been called stupid before, but the people who have called me so need to read this fanfic. The author has the be the dumbest person in all three worlds to think this is even close to good quality writing.

TachyonRulesPhotonDrools107 3 m ago
The author should be really glad that he did not include that scene of punching that certain character and his dragon in the face, otherwise he would have more to worry about than just a negative review from me!

GloriousHalo102 2 m ago
Senseless over glorification of a character we have no reason to care about, spelling the name of another character incorrectly over and over again, likely on purpose just to bash the character, and turning three well rounded and amazing characters into total morons just to make the main character look superior. This fanfic is an abomination which needs to be sent back to the same hell it came from. The character's name is DURBE, NOT DERP! GET IT RIGHT!

PurplePredator666 1 m ago
OH PA-LEASE! This Vector guy is a total amateur! I mean it's not like he has flawless hair, sculpted by layers upon layers of hair gel, the most terrifying dragon known to man, and a body count higher than any Yugioh Villain before him! Just make the story about me, COUGH I mean Yuri and it would have been perfect, but this Vector guy makes the story garbage!

NoxDescious sec ago
This is an insult to every single chapter I have crafted over the three painstaking years I have worked to create the Ice Queen Cometh! It takes my protagonist and takes everything away from her, while glorifying her enemy! It is pure sin to have made this story...