Reviews for Unmoored
nate-king chapter 2 . 5/24
My heart breaks for her. I've only read two chapters but this was truly brilliant. I loved how you portrayed it all, so far.

And well, I haven't really read The Hobbit before but you are good at writing your story to be understood by avid readers and newbies, author. Makes me wonder when I'll check the book out. c:

Kudos to you! I look forward to the next chapter. 3
BrySt1 chapter 33 . 7/3/2019
I've spent so many nights staying up late and binging this story, that now that I'm caught up I have no idea what to do with my life now. I seriously can't wait to read more! (Even if it really messes with my emotions a lot lol).
Child of Dreams chapter 20 . 10/18/2018
Her voice is good, but I could do without her rewrites...
Child of Dreams chapter 12 . 10/18/2018
Child of Dreams chapter 7 . 10/18/2018
As in Jamie Fraser, from Outlander?
Guest chapter 1 . 8/29/2018
Ugh...the angst seems so exaggerated. I get She might feel that way the first few jumps but the angst makes it so uninteresting to read
Guest chapter 33 . 6/13/2018
I love your story! Thanks so much for sharing it with us, you've got an amazing imagination and are an incredibly talented writer. I must admit that, although I've never watched the show, Moira's life with the Vikings has been my favorite. I have watched the 1st 12 seasons of SPN so I'm super excited to see what you do with that! Thanks again for a great story and hope you update soon!
Angelicsailor chapter 1 . 4/22/2018
Oh this is fascinating ! I'm very curious about the other lives and the ones to come
Pint-sized She-Bear chapter 33 . 4/5/2018
Loved it! Took me a couple days to read it, but fantastic.
purple-pygmy-puff16 chapter 33 . 4/3/2018
Happy to see an update! Though I’ll be even happier when we get out of these memories because the only thing i recognized in this was Supernatural. Everything else I had to skim through cuz I had no idea what was going on and what half the words and references were. Gosh I felt like Fili in the end where my head hurt trying to put it all together lol but I do love the way you write and can’t wait for the next update.
grazia591 chapter 33 . 4/3/2018
Ok so first of all let me fan girl and tell you that chapter was AMAZING! I literally screamed when I saw you updated and wanted to savor the moment so I slowly read it piece by piece over the past 24 hours.

I’m so excited about these chapters that go more in depth with Moira’s past lives. Especially Legend of the seeker because I watched that show and read the books. You did a fantastic job showing how awful Darken Rahl is (and he is insanely disgusting and creepy in the books!). You are such an amazing writer seriously the way you tell the story is so in depth and detailed. Most stories you can tell within the first paragraph if the author actually knows how to write. I can’t tell you how many stories I’ve clicked on only to go back 10 seconds later because the author clearly can’t write (not to say fan fiction isn’t a great place to learn, I’ve just become picky over the years).

I was wondering if you could compile a list of all the worlds Moira has been in and the order? If you didn’t mind? I know Game of Thrones was the first but I’ve lost track of the order. Also I know it takes A while to finish a chapter (that last chapter was longer than most one shots lol) but please don’t leave us with nothing for months! I was wondering if you would consider writing some short ficlets? I’m obsessed with imaging how Moira landed in each world and met the main characters! Especially Legend of the Seeker because I loved that show so much, so when you are bored a few paragraphs randomly would be the best!

Also it’s funny for me when Moira’s in Star Wars (which I know nothing about) and a few other worlds because I keep pausing my reading to google the characters lol. Thank you so much for updating!
LuckyMaple chapter 33 . 4/2/2018
Thank you for another chapter, and especially for the author’s notes. I’m not at all in touch with some of these worlds and I was getting confused. I’m looking forward to the rest of the story and getting out of Moira’s mind. She’s had some trauma (understatement)!
Raging Iron Thunder chapter 33 . 4/2/2018
Thanks for the shoutout! And MOTHER OF GOD! a 67k word update? I figured, I just knew it was going to be the massive monstrosity of awesomesauce.

That was a touching scene about Moira asking her friend to watch out for her daughter. Also given Moira's experiences, I'm sure she's survived several rapes. The Defiance segment was interesting to read.

The SW: Rebels section was fascinating. I've been vaguely aware of bits and pieces of it. I'm pretty sure Ezra's not supposed to fall to the Dark Side though, LOL. I see what you want in our PM's about mucking up the plotline. Good on you for thinking through though. Btw, I know Maul's survival is Canon, but I always thought it was stupid. He got cut in half!

I like the name changes in each segment.

Oooh and a Forgotten Realms segment! You ever play D&D? :P

The Sword of Truth segment was decent. Also reminds me just how different it is from the books. But you had lots of good reveals in here.

Fili's PoV is a good contrast to how wild and zany the happenings in various stories are. I like it.

A note on editing: I highly recommend going through an MS word spellcheck. There were several instances of wordsclosedtogether likethis.

I can't remember if you brought in Supernatural or not in the past, but I do recognize it. I never got past the first season of that show.

All in all, epic update. Seriously 67k words! That's longer than most fics! Great job, keep it up! :)
LovingBOBThePacific chapter 33 . 4/2/2018
Hey you!
You have no idea how much I've been looking forward to reading this new chapter! Your writing skills and your touch of details are simply astounding. It was, as always, a magnificent (and loooong) chapter, but I enjoyed it very much. And I'm very much looking forward to the Supernatural part of the story and how her interactions with Dean and Sam as Kristina will be. BTW., speaking of SPN, what did you think of the Scooby-Doo episode? :-)
meeturmaker chapter 32 . 2/18/2018
took me a while to finally catch up, but this story's great and your writing has certainly grown. keep up the good work
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