Reviews for La Fleur et La Bete (The Flower and the Beast)
Lilou019 chapter 32 . 6/18
Super histoire merci beaucoup de nous l'avoir fait partager.
MirabellaK chapter 32 . 6/10
Okay, I thoroughly enjoyed this story!
Your writing really grew, and I'm deep in my Klarloine feels :'')

On another note, does anyone have any more recommendations now that this lovely fic is over? If so, do PM me! I'm reading Like Fire by AlexisKeller and some of willowaus's works, but I need something to get me through the 'waiting for updates' periods hahahah
rebbecca1 chapter 32 . 6/7
Great story! Your writing has definitely improved since chapter one. I really liked how you showed us different points of view. Everything flowed together really well. Thanks!
Grace5231973 chapter 32 . 5/29
What a happy ending! I loved it and I will miss this story and I will read the story about Grace and Damon! I thought your writing and storytelling were good but it can never hurt to work on your skills. See you next story!
Grace5231973 chapter 31 . 5/29
It must be so overwhelming for Caroline but she has Klaus and her family and friends. She will make an excellent Queen!
Grace5231973 chapter 30 . 5/29
I loved all the celebrating and reaffirmation and vows! I also loved Caroline's talk with her mom!
Ms.KlarolineMikaelson chapter 32 . 5/27
Yayy so happy to finally know how the story ends! Thanks for taking the time to share your words. Please know that there are many of us that appreciate you and all other writers that take the time to create amazing stories and sharing them with us. It’s sad to realize that there is still hateful people out there who find the time to leave mean comments, please do not let them discourage you. The best response against those people is to keep doing what you enjoy/love, who cares what they think. Hope to read more KC stories from you soon! Xx
Guest chapter 32 . 5/25
I loved this story and enjoyed each new chapter.
Guest chapter 30 . 5/23
Excellent chapter. Glad that this didn’t create any problems for Klaroline and their relationship. Feel like they’ve become stronger after the loss. Great to see them reunited.

Can’t believe this story’s about to come to an end. I’ve enjoyed it so much! Looking forward to the next part :)
Guest chapter 29 . 5/21
I would love a two-shot of Damon and Grace. I cannot wait to read the next chapter. I hope it is a little less sad for Klaus and Caroline. Or maybe they can start to heal together.
chimera629 chapter 2 . 5/21
kinda dissapointed he doesnt have access to magic and wonder how hes this powerful given witch are the true power in the tvd u
chimera629 chapter 1 . 5/21
hope he and his sibling live up to the hype with that intro you gave and how he effects the whole world. though i do wonder if any of them will be able to do magic like the heritics and hope
Grace5231973 chapter 29 . 5/21
I would like to read about Damon and Grace! I was happy to see them reunited!
I feel so bad for Klaus and Caroline!
I look forward to the next chapter!
omgDaddy chapter 1 . 3/9
I remember reading this 2 years ago and loving it, so glad you’re still updating
TwilightHybrid chapter 28 . 2/19
Thank you for this chapter! I really appreciate it. I love how determined both Klaus and Caroline were against Mikeal. I love how strong Bonnie was as well against Davina and Kol with Enzo. Sadly I hoped Cleo couldve saved Elizabeth in time. I know Elizabeth gave her life to protect Caroline and Klaus against Mikeal. I hope there is somehow she can come back. If not, I know Caroline will always love her mother and she'll now have a whole family beside her with Klaus. Thanks for this chapter again!
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