Reviews for Curses can be a Blessing
Imagine Exorcist chapter 4 . 5/21/2018
Heh, this whole fic was SO cutely sweet to read. I'm so glad I decided to follow a whim of mine and come across this lovely story of yours.
Xahraxs chapter 4 . 10/16/2017
Cool. Lucoa is cool. Yeah she's right on humans. There are very few good ones who say stop fighting and work together peacefully. TBH those type of rare humans are people I look up to. I hope Lucoa never sees George Carlin's stand up as he's one human who thinks as she does, more like a dragon and tells it like it is on humanity and the mess we as a species can be. "We gotta be the most interesting critters on the planet. And then we wonder why aliens show up to say hello." LOL

I can see humor in how Lucoa tries explaining a bit on humans going to space. The moon, Luna, was seen as a god by ancient humans and in Japan is still seen as a kind of symbol for a good fall harvest where ceremonies are done of dance and singing. Astronauts and space enthusiasts like me see it as a dead gray ball of rock.

I think Lucoa could also give Kobayashi a life extension potion to keep her young,but live some more years. I mean some people in Japan live past 100. One person I've heard is 140 years old.
Xahraxs chapter 3 . 9/8/2017
I wonder if Tohru would try certain foods on a dare? Hottest curry ever? There are few Indian places that dare to do this due to how strong it is and very spicy. Using the Ghost Pepper to spice up the curry and meat is anything you like. It's even in a contest in once place where if you finish the bowl you get it for free and beer. If you can handle the heat. LOL

I wonder what other stuff Lucoa knows? What of certain monsters and legends of them? Bigfoot, Lochness, werewolves, etc?

I'd also guess stuff like kaiju are common in their word compared to ours. I compare it to the movie Pacific Rim where kaiju from another realm invade Earth via a doorway, portal open between worlds that allows them to enter. There is a dragon named Otachi in the movie that is really cool. She's terrifying, spits acid, flies, and has a vicious temper.

There is one question I'm sure the dragons might know. Is Earth it with life in the universe? This is a weird one given it's a mix of yes and no depending on how you see it via science or fantasy.
Xahraxs chapter 2 . 9/8/2017
Lucoa is cool. Though how does she view how the Mayans viewed her? They practiced human sacrifice on one another as part of their religion. and as studies went, after the sacrifice the royal family would eat the remains of the victim. Creepy,but it's all written in the ruins of their culture. Same with the Aztecs.

She'd help answer a lot we humans barely understand or grasp. The main one being, why we exist and who we are in the universe.

Hopefully they don't go to Odo Island. Why? Godzilla is there. Like any dragon legend, sacrificing young women to him so he wouldn't kill anything was part of it. "Gojira. On Odo Island where he's from, it means 'God Incarnate.' A violent god. God of Destruction." Of course we see him as a mutated radioactive dinosaur from Japan. (I'm a fan, yes)
Tension-Tenshi chapter 2 . 8/4/2017
This pairing isn't a very common one, but definitely one I like. It's pretty sweet.
Guest chapter 2 . 5/22/2017
I loved this so much.
Jss2141 chapter 2 . 5/21/2017
This is even better than the first chapter! I can't wait for more!
Kemono chapter 1 . 5/21/2017
I see you like kemono friends as well
xv22shasokais chapter 2 . 5/20/2017
Seconds, please.
AscendingCanadian chapter 2 . 5/20/2017
Thirds Please
Jss2141 chapter 1 . 5/7/2017
Love this story and lov this paring. Hope there's more!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/4/2017
The pairing I did not even know I wanted! This was great!