Reviews for When Yesterday Becomes Tomorrow
misty23y chapter 44 . 10/31/2019
wonderful series. I wish there was more. anytime toy ladies want to collaborate, please do. The work well together.
debb lavoie chapter 44 . 9/9/2018
An excellent story! So many twists and turns and great story material. Well done!
DreamsInColor8 chapter 44 . 8/30/2018
Lovely story! I did hate how Ranger handled Connor at the beginning though. Thanks for sharing!
debb lavoie chapter 8 . 8/17/2018
What a shock, when they were about to return! I am loving this story.
debb lavoie chapter 7 . 8/8/2018
ESP indeed!
rangerbabe.1 chapter 44 . 1/26/2018
Wow. What a fantastic piece. Loved it. Finding Corinne, and Connor. Dealing with Julie. This story worked through a lot of issues. Well done ladies.
VVine chapter 44 . 12/24/2017
OMG you two did such an amazing job! I caught up on the previous two before reading this one - they were all great, but I believe I loved this one the best :) . I'm hoping the saga will continue ... thank you both for taking the time to share your talent with us!
Sunny Okanagan chapter 44 . 10/10/2017
Another fantastic story. I love how just when things settle down Rangers life starts the drama. I think they could have adjusted well and quickly with just Julie living with them. But the addition of Connor and the emotional turmoil his is in brings in a whole new dimension into the family. I love how Steph handled everything thrown at her and how Ranger was the one running away. I would have loved to hear more about Ranger realizing Julie felt alienated, but you do mention that she is now working with him as her schedule allows. You've tied up all the loose ends which is nice. Awesome job ladies. I look forward to reading more of your writing in the future.
Guest chapter 43 . 9/17/2017
oh how bittersweet. Steph found out what happened to Rene but Ranger is right.
she was a hero and saved many lives. Steph worked hard and got the truth of what happened to Rene.

oh i loved the fake will that made it possible to finance the Wren foundation (another good thing, remembering Wren.
Now Ranger has another property.

it's nice that Steph is going in person to see Marie.
Bonnie chapter 42 . 9/17/2017
I absolutely love it when the men give Steph the credit she is due.

Les kept his promise to Julie and now there is one less (I made a funny) scumbag on earth!

yes Les has some lines. LOL
Bonnie chapter 41 . 9/16/2017
what a lovely Thanksgiving.
they surely are thankful for a lot.
Tank and Lula engaged was a nice surprise.
Steph made her own pies.
Ranger is still going to therapy and to show it he trusted connor and did not make a follow up call.
Julie wants to run Rangeman and Steph an Ranger want a baby! Nice!
Bonnie chapter 40 . 9/16/2017
oh thank goodness.
Julie got herself free.
very levelheaded smart girl.
even better Le was there almost immediately to get to her and protect her.

yes Ranger agreed he needed help and i'm thinking it might be a family thing for a few times.

It's surprising that Bomba was smart enough to pull that off but if Julie had not gone at
all or with a friend things might have been different.
Even Connor helped the most by talking to Tia.
Steph did find a major clue and Ranger figured it out.
the whole Rangeman FAMILY works well together.
Guest chapter 39 . 9/16/2017
Ranger doesn't know it but he said All the right words to Steph! Except about the thong. lol.

Steph, amazing Steph! found a solid clue!. she really has a knack or talent for sure.

Ranger has shown and treated Connor with respect and like a young man not a teenage kid. Also including him to help find Julie.

so hard to believe Julie does not have a tracker on her!
i'm thinking she needs a chip. lol
Vulcan Rider chapter 44 . 9/17/2017
This was amazing from Chapter 1 to the final chapter. I wish I'd been able to review each and every chapter, because they all deserved glowing reports, but I wasn't able. However, thank you so very much for giving us another AMAZING story sequel to this series.

I have to say that I laughed so hard in some parts, and used numerous tissues in others, but enjoyed each and every bit. Thank you all for the great work you shared with us.
Maggie M.
Emma Claire 93 chapter 44 . 9/11/2017
I loved all of it.
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