Reviews for Care and Feeding of a Chest Monster
Biblio388 chapter 2 . 4/27/2019
I am loving how brutal these are turning out. That is the kind of brutal it takes to win. Kind of running through the stories that are shorter, so looking forward to the next one.
taxzombie chapter 1 . 1/12/2019
I was reading your 'profile' (or whatever the hell they call it) and, based on it, I would hazard to guess you were a grunt (or a jarhead, hey, I'm a squid so I have to raz you some if you were a jarhead, it's the law, lol) at some point in your life. Based on that guess, I say thank you for your service.

I did six in the Navy, 73 - 79 and thankfully in that time, it was quiet, at least for me. The most 'interesting' it got was when we cruised down the Suez in 75 for the reopening, we went first, 'just in case' they missed any of the mine the Israelis dropped in it. Also got to partake in the first and second evacs from Beirut. First time was fine, the second time we had to go back and pick up the morons that went back after we did the first evac, we were not happy campers. Only time I can recall having a 'smoker' on the fantail. (Boxing matches, let folks try and clear up some grudges, 'disagreements') The Little Rock was NOT a happy ship when we went back the second time. That said, I was never truly in harms way. Based on you comments I conclude you were, for that you have my sincere thanks. While I am a vet, I am not a combat vet and to those that are, as I believe you to be, you have my fullest and most sincere respect. Back in 79 when I got out of the Navy (it was going to hell then, if you could breath, they would sign you up, no joke, The Chicago, my last ship was a freaking nightmare, drugs, the KKK (guys running around in fart sacks (a linen bag that went over your 6' by 2' by 2" foam maturest) with holes for the eyes and they burn crosses. We lost 5 guys out of a 1,000 man crew in less then a year. 1 suicide, 1 OD, 1 floater (when we pulled away from the pier in San Diego) and 2 that went 'missing' after we had left port. You DID NOT go out on deck at night without someone you trusted! Seeing that I figured going for 20 would not be beneficial to my continued health so I did my six and said thanks for the fish and left.

Folks that have truly been in the line of fire have my utmost respect. While I wasn't a REMF, I didn't see any combat and I am more then happy with that. So God Bless and Thanks!
viningc chapter 2 . 11/29/2018
Just discovered this story, thank you. Interesting idea which I really enjoyed. I really love a good revenge story. Maybe I'm just too damaged?
dogbertcarroll chapter 2 . 4/1/2018
Excellent ending.
DocCBM chapter 2 . 11/26/2017
DocCBM chapter 1 . 11/26/2017
Greywizard chapter 2 . 7/16/2017
Congratulations. I LMAO reading this. ;-)

But the second chapter is really the best. ;-)
erik chapter 2 . 6/5/2017
Brilliant writing, dark yet humorous.
Glorandar chapter 1 . 6/2/2017
Very amusing!
BMS chapter 2 . 5/13/2017
Ah, the hard learned lessons of life.
moops chapter 2 . 5/10/2017
interesting read.
starboy454 chapter 1 . 5/7/2017
good start
nimaj25 chapter 1 . 5/3/2017
Loved it. What happened to 'Four.'
