Reviews for The Point Where Lost Souls Gather
LadyKeren chapter 9 . 9/2
Yami Marik and his reign of terror..I can so do without it to be honest but at the same time I'm interested to see how he is dealt with this time around.
Ataahua chapter 9 . 8/20
Poor Kelda. Though I won't say I didn't enjoy TDC's appearance. Hahaha! It's concerning that he plans to kill them all eventually. And poor Marik too, having to be in the dark. It looks like he perhaps didn't quite buy Kelda's words however. I guess only time will tell! And yes, Caleb is totally her dad, I'm figuring. Looking forward to more, whenever you manage it! :)
Ataahua chapter 8 . 8/20
Lol! I like the nod to season zero. And I always enjoy a bit of diving into Marik's background, with touching on his thoughts about the TV and how he doesn't really care for much on TV bar the occasional nature show. Hahaha. And of course, I always enjoy nods to Marik's Rare Hunter days. It's funny (in a good, interesting way) to see him and Kelda just rather nonchalantly discussing his past - at least, at the beginning. The discussion got a little more serious in the motel room about him making amends where he could and it was cute how he got embarrassed by the praise. I can see that. XD
Ataahua chapter 7 . 8/20
It's been a while since I read this story, but I remember everything pretty well, so yay!

Haha, I loved the bit where Marik went all spy talk on Travis and it was sweet that Travis then turned around and gave him props for sorting his shizz out. And I appreciated the obligatory "assumes she's his girlfriend" comments. Classic. Haha!

Also, it's sweet that Kelda was so understanding of Marik's past. Bless her. He has made quite the impression on her and it shows, I guess. (Also helps that he's hot Imeanwhat.) I'm interested as to what she'll think of Yami Marik and the Millennium Rod, and also to see how they interact moving forward from this chapter, since she now has a bit more context. I'm thinking it's just gonna bring them closer. :D

Ooooh. If memory serves, Kelda's dad went missing or has been outta the picture in a long while, at least. I have a feeling Caleb might be him, since he doesn't want his underlings to harm Kelda, and it's interesting that he has beef with Marik (whether he is or isn't her dad). Honestly, Caleb needs to join the club 'cause I'm pretty sure the "Has Beef With Marik" list is a mighty long one. XD

Anywho, onward I go! :)
lalalei chapter 9 . 7/7
Oh snap, Yami Marik is back and Caleb wants to open the door to the afterlife...if he brings back Yami Bakura or Zorc they'll REALLY be in trouble XD
satori93 chapter 9 . 7/5
So good to see you updating the story 3
Guess the fact that Marik and her have a lot in common because of their fathers she feels a lot safer. I‘m sure this leads to a deeper connection between them.
Oh no! And here we go again! Yami Marik is back! I‘m super excited how this twist will affect Marik‘sKelda‘s relationship now. What a bad ass move from Yami Marik here to fight the soul hunters xD great!
I liked the interaction between Kelda and Yami Marik here and of course his dominance. I‘m excited to see what Caleb is going to so next!
iCraft chapter 8 . 6/11
I just found this story recently after getting hit by the nostalgia bus. I've been stuck at home since the pandemic started, so naturally I've been rewatching some old favorite shows and revisiting old favorite fandoms and pretending I live in 2002 instead of this dumpster fire of a year lol. I know this story hasn't been updated in 6 months, but I really hope you pick it up again! Your writing style is fantastic! You've introduced new characters that are fun to read and started a unique story arc and I'd love to see where it goes. I also love the insight into post-Millenium Item Marik and how he deals with life and reconciling his past and dealing with his guilt. You've written a quality story and I'd love to read where they go from here!
Miki-mouse716 chapter 8 . 2/6
Hey! Sorry for the late review!
This chapter is just the calm before the storm, eh? I can't wait to read what happens next! Update soon!
LadyKeren chapter 8 . 12/6/2019
The game show bit was cute.
satori93 chapter 8 . 12/2/2019
Damn Marik, the mastermind himself is back :P seems like being the former leader of the Rare Hunters pays off now.
Kelda is so cute. This chapter almost made me want to cuddle her. Her past and especially her dather trouble her a lot!
Marik‘s dark past is still weighs a lot on his soul, it‘s good to see that he really wants to compensate his mistakes and that he‘s still feeling sorry for everything!
The gaming show part was great in the end xD
lalalei chapter 8 . 12/1/2019
Haha, nice Toei anime reference! This was a fun chapter, but I'm bracing for when stuff hits the fan... XD
LadyKeren chapter 7 . 7/4/2019
And I'm finally caught up!
I liked how Marik came clean about his past, but then again it would be Marik for ya.
meijosui chapter 7 . 7/4/2019
Hey presea221, I absolutely love this chapter! Marik's point of view and ordeal was definitely reflected here about his past and as well as the current dilemma of missing duelists. Kelda is definitely strong-willed and empathic at the same time. great qualities found in your OC and I would imagine how Marik feels about her as newly found friendship. WOW, the antagonist revealed! Caleb had an oppressed past! Poor guy... I hope he does understand Marik eventually but I would love to see how much Marik would consolidate the dark past.

I hope to read the next chapter. Yeah, Hiatus unintentional happens to me too. Definitely not because of writer's block but the lack of time. Keep it up! XD
LadyKeren chapter 6 . 6/28/2019
Things were looking pretty intense..Marik had me worried for awhile there.
Miki-mouse716 chapter 7 . 6/14/2019
I'm sorry for reviewing late! I was so surprised when I saw that you updated and it was a pleasant surprise! I loved how Marik used his connection to retrieve items as if he were a spy and Kelda just stood to the side and just dealt with the whole thing (LOL) But I'm happy that he finally got to explain things to her about his past and she accepted him for it. I also liked how he made her guess and think about the things he did in the beginning of his explanation. I'm curious to see where they'll be headed next and of course to see what Caleb has planned for his revenge. I hope that you'll update soon!
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