Reviews for Everything That Happens Next
mjatc11 chapter 74 . 6/5
I just watched Bones for the first and second times since March, when COVID -19 sent me to work from home! I love it and DB! . I am an athletic trainer, health teacher and science teacher so between the sexual tension of Bones and Booth and the science concepts (although not always correct), I fell in love!

I have been reading fan fiction of other tv shows and so I found Bones ff. Your writing is some of the best I have read! Your stories are interesting and keep me wanting more! I particularly love this one!

I have no idea when you last wrote for this story or any other stories on here, but I am going to continue reading your other stories!
Platinum Blondie chapter 51 . 3/29
I agree with your comments at the end of this chapter. My pet hate is the way some people assume that those of us with a physical disability are somehow less able in all other aspects of our lives.
regbride12 chapter 74 . 3/16
This would have been the most amazing missing moment! Brennan of course would never have told Christine they were both threatened because of daddy. She also made sure Booth got to see Christine. This was truly a healthy way of showing how a family could make it thru something so serious.

The one thing I loved about this storyline in real Bones time was that even though Booth was out of the house, he and his wife were never apart or stopped loving each other. When Brennan kicked him out, she was sad and looked like for a split second she wanted to tell him to stay. The best part though was at the diner when Booth wanted back and Brennan was still angry with him because he couldn't admit his wrong doing; despite that, Brennan looks back at him and tells him she loves him. Ugh, I love this show and how they wrote these 2 as a couple! :).
Hope to see you write more!
regbride12 chapter 73 . 3/16
I missed this!? My darn school taking up my attention this year...

This was so sad yet so sweet too...honestly after what Brennan's foster parents did to her, the trunk and the dropping the dish? I would drop them off in the middle of a very deep part of a lake far from shore with nothing but their clothes on their back. I sometimes wonder when or if Booth and Brennan would tell the kids their terrible childhoods :(

Perfect, not rusty at all!
Guest chapter 74 . 2/6
I enjoyed your stories!
twlightbella chapter 17 . 10/22/2019
Happy anniversary booth and bones
mendenbar chapter 74 . 10/1/2019
RL is in the way of my reading again. Sigh. Still, this was lovely. The best thing about Fanfiction is getting to see the parts they didn't have time for on the show.
wentzer chapter 74 . 9/27/2019
Nice chapter. I really liked the part about her reminding Christine to say her prayers and the hesitancy made it realistic to me.
gatewatcher chapter 74 . 9/25/2019
Great chapter! ...back where he belongs :)
Guest chapter 74 . 9/24/2019
So sweet 3
jsboneslover chapter 74 . 9/24/2019
I love that you delved more deeply into this homecoming.
FaithinBones chapter 74 . 9/24/2019
A lovely scene
GalaxieGurl chapter 74 . 9/24/2019
What a sweet touching family scene. Brennan is giving Booth the greatest positive reinforcement and incentive to continue his battle against gambling she could offer; coming back home. She's taking a chance, but he's demonstrating his earnest efforts to stay sober and regain her trust. Their daughter is delighted to have her beloved daddy back home, not quite understanding why he's been gone, as it should be. But her ecstatic response to his presence is just as much as strong a motivator for him to stay true as her mother's vote of confidence. This chapter is indeed a wonderful peek we didn't get to see on the show. Loved it; you write so vividly!
Vmf447 chapter 74 . 9/24/2019
Thank you for this scene! I always felt so cheated that their reconciliation was practically skipped over! This was very sweet and just right!
MsNYC chapter 74 . 9/24/2019
I really needed this... the show really cut this reunion out when it was needed... great update!
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