Reviews for AU
Hermiony1 chapter 4 . 5/13
still haven't decided
i just think percabeth is a relationship practically 5years two great prophicies and countless life and death situaion in the making and seeing them without it is kinda weird
but tobe fareiknow what I signed up for when i decidedto read this
Hermiony1 chapter 2 . 5/13
well this is for sure weird haven't decided yet if it's good weird
ngkhbbngthp chapter 6 . 10/27/2019
I want to know what the topic is
AshenMoon42 chapter 24 . 2/16/2019
This is really well written! I love your interpretation of what life would've been like if they weren't demigods. Some great thinking has gone into this.
elms.s chapter 16 . 11/4/2018
I just want to say that "My grand plan" was playing while i read this chapter and for some reason music just makes these things just so much better
MariaClaire chapter 24 . 8/19/2018
I so enjoyed reading this story. Honestly, this is one of the best fics I've read in a while. I don't even usually like AUs much, but the premise here is great and the execution of the plot is so well done. The characters also feel very much themselves, but with believable changes given the circumstances. I loved the reveal of Janus, too, totally made sense. You're a really strong writer, especially with dialogue, it sounds very natural, which is hard to do.
Yellow jelly-bean chapter 24 . 8/5/2018
this book was sooooooo gooood, well done.
Epsilon chapter 24 . 1/23/2018
I thought the fic was very good. Probably could've spent a little more time learning of Annabeth's friends in her mortal life and perhaps a better title, but otherwise it was a great story. Nice work.
Guest chapter 14 . 1/22/2018
This story is so good! But it's super late and I have to get up early but then this chapter happens! Aaggh!
pseudonymousgeek chapter 24 . 11/9/2017
This is the best thing i have ever read. You should become an author because you are soooooo good!
pseudonymousgeek chapter 4 . 11/8/2017
This is such a good story!
Sara the pretty bookworm chapter 24 . 10/22/2017
This story was FANTASTIC! Honestly, I thought it was WAY better than your Lena and Zack stories and the improvement was increadable. Are you planning to write any new stories? I really liked Percy's mortal character. You made it so awesomely realistic instead of the popular jock a lot of people make him even when Percy clearly said in the books that ha never really fit in the mortal world. The whole story was great and it was interesting to see CHB that Percy never attended. Thank you.
TheClutch chapter 24 . 10/10/2017
Great story! Thank you!
FuddyDuddy-strikhedonia chapter 24 . 10/2/2017
I really like this ending. Good job
Sonochu chapter 24 . 9/29/2017
Overall this was an excellent story and a great quasi-character study into Annabeth and also Percy's history with Gabe. In fact, I lived how this story focused so much on Gabe and what could've happened. If I had any compaints, it would be that I wish the changes Annabeth expefienced, and her frustration with them, were explored a little more in depth. For instance she mentioned how she wasn't as smart or athletic as she once was. That could've been a serious frustration for her considering she's very prideful, but those were never that big of a deal in this story. Similarly her reputation as a mortal was never really explored much. Sure, she was a partier and somewhat easy, but besides some comments it never really factored into the story. Percy never seemed to care or be guarded over the facts, and none of it ended up mattering. Really Gabe and Annabeth's strained relationship with her father and his perfectionism were the only things that really mattered as those were easily her biggest frustrations with her mortal life.

Basically, this story was great. The only way I can think of to make it better is to have written more of it to explore some of the topics more in depth.
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