Reviews for Fragments of Feeling
alexangel14 chapter 27 . 7/19/2019
This beautiful! The ending was perfect! Thank you for writing such a nice story :)
FireDust chapter 23 . 6/1/2018
This scene was so sensual and gave us a better peek into 2B's persona. For all its worth there is no way to fully follow "emotions are prohibited" mantra she've been chanting over and over.
And perhaps it was a moment when Nines knew that 2B is 2E. It was never answered anyway, but she killed him so many times it could trigger something akin to muscle memory and as a scanner Nines maybe was able to connect the dots.
In any case - great job on describing this, it's not an easy scene but you nailed it.
FireDust chapter 21 . 5/30/2018
Thank you for drawing a parallel here! Wise machines were such a nice way to show us the way they think, being detached from the network and trying to find out why are they even here. And it's such a pity too! Unlike many others, these machines were able to learn, to reflect but it was too much to handle.
And in the end, it was like that for 2B and Nines too - him not planning to live after delivering his revenge and her, refusing to live without him. Simply no reason to go on anymore, in a world that couldn't care less about them.
FireDust chapter 13 . 5/29/2018
Pascal's story is so sad and it gets worse if you think about it. He looks different compared to other machines (which were copied off Emil, round heads and all) - it clearly indicates that he's a much older model. So.. chances are it wasn't his first time getting memory deleted. Wasn't first time trying to create a peaceful village. It's just as Nines "heard" during his encounter with Adam - machines (old, like Pascal) can't learn so they are doomed to repeat same thing again and again even if it ends up as a falure.
On a bright side, it means that sooner or later he'll become an "uncle Pascal" again. For some time.
FireDust chapter 6 . 5/28/2018
Yes! This moment hit me only during second playthrough - game was showing us 2B's reaction in a Bunker, fist clenched and everything. But in fact she had to deal with their current meeting (and she knew that it wasn't a coincidence) during that mission only to have Nines losing his memories yet again.
Makes me wonder if in a way she've been angry that it wasn't HER taking his memories, just like Nines was furious that A2 took 2B's life when it "belonged to him". It was never really shown and so we'll never know but maybe? It's just that her reaction wasn't as animated or vocal since she didn't have logic virus messing with her thoughts.. Only a theory of course.
sumire.syrup chapter 26 . 10/3/2017
wow, this was beautiful. tbh, I'm not a fan of short drabble fics but I felt that in this context it was very suiting. like you said, i too felt that there was not enough interaction and dialogue between 2B and 9S... well interaction that suggested the deeper and raw meaning of their relationship (it was sort of implied to the player through very small details that were easily missed) and i also found myself wanting more dialogue between the two!

its a shame that this fandom is so underrated, but you definitely deserve more recognition for this. i really love it!

based on what I interpret of the game, it seemed that 2B has killed 9S many, many times before (it seemed to always end this way, trapped in a cycle) and sometimes, it seems like he knew and even accepted it. but somewhere along the way 2B fell in love (because her memories weren't erased, but instead locked deep inside her for remembrance) while 9S, always ultimately finds himself irrevocably obsessed with her and despite his memory and back up data being erased, the nuances and tendencies that attracted her to him always seemed to be retained despite 9S being a fresh new copy every time. I like to think that somewhere along the way (our playthrough), 9S gained insight into 2B's torment, maybe realized that she actually loved him all along and that killing him was also killing her, that she chose to preserve their past interactions and memories deep within her so she could never forget.. somewhere along the way he must've forgiven her... anyways.. this game left me thoroughly depressed and your writing gives me hope :')
ConGie chapter 27 . 9/25/2017
What a neat idea, I enjoyed that greatly.
fernandfeather chapter 13 . 6/26/2017
Oh Pascal... that's why I chose to kill him.
fernandfeather chapter 8 . 6/26/2017
Aww so sad and cute and sad
marcminster88 chapter 18 . 5/25/2017
Now I'll never see that scene the same ever againPretty sweet and nice story tho!
Avatar.NIX chapter 26 . 5/9/2017
This was a nice, quick read. :) Made my heart ache all over again... ; v ; I really hope 2B and 9S find some form of happiness after ending E... Good job with this! ;)
Guest chapter 26 . 5/7/2017
Beautiful. I love these 2.
Guest chapter 14 . 5/4/2017
These are really cute. You've done a fantastic job with these.
axely chapter 11 . 5/4/2017
third wheeling and shippin'
axely chapter 10 . 5/4/2017
this my shit
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