Reviews for Keeper of the Keywielders
Guest chapter 7 . 2/23
I would like to see more.
Curryfury13 chapter 7 . 9/5/2019
This is getting so incredibly interesting!
I had a feeling that Amaya didn't show up in Traverse. I love this concept of two haven worlds. And it gives you the perfect opportunity to show a bunch of different characters that never got a chance to be in KH.

I'm really enjoying this and seriously can't wait to see where this goes!
Also am thinking I'm right again about the brother. I see the breadcrumbs! I just hope I'm connecting them right ahaha

well, I really can't wait for the next chapter!
Curryfury13 chapter 6 . 9/4/2019
Ahhhhh! This was such a great chapter!
I love how much world building you're putting in here. the parts where you show the Keepers and their life with keeping the peace. It's so interesting and well done!

Also have suspicions of who is Kairi's brother! great choice!

The way you conveyed Amaya's panic and shock when hearing about her world was perfect. I was right there with her and always wished Sora had more of a reaction in KH.

You're doing amazing!
Curryfury13 chapter 4 . 8/27/2019
Oh this is just so sweet!
I'm continuing to just adore the interactions between the characters. particularly interested in how Amaya hinted that Riku is crushing on Kairi. I have an inkling she's a bit off on who he actually likes. hehe

I can't wait to read more!
Curryfury13 chapter 3 . 8/24/2019
oooooh intruige and anticipation!

Again, I just love the interactions here. The flow of the conversations is so natural and easy to read. I'm really loving Amaya's personality and that dream! I can't wait to find out more about that!
Curryfury13 chapter 2 . 8/24/2019
This is great so far! I really love Amaya's studious and a bit cynical personality. I think that will be really interesting later on, especially once everything happens to the island.

Her interactions with everyone work really well, too! I love her returning snark to Riku and how she cautiously talks to Kairi about her dream. She's already very relatable and I'm looking forward to reading more!
Guest chapter 7 . 8/14/2019
! AHHHHHHH! This is amazing! Amaya, I feel for her TTTT and god I love the chocobros lol
Guest chapter 2 . 8/13/2019
I knew the moment I read the first part I was gonna like Amaya c8 I love this story so far! Can't wait to see more! :D you did a really good job portraying the characters too Cx
Is Og Ild chapter 7 . 6/29/2019
That first bit of this chapter, so smol, but so many questions xD Who is this white cloaked person who seems to be ninja-ing atop the roof of Seventh Heaven? What is her interest in Amaya? What coincidence might she be referring too? Curses, I wanna know! xD

I loved the chocobros scene! OMG, Iggy was always my fave of the four and you wrote him so perfectly, I could practically hear that sexeh accent with every fancy word he used xP Also curious how old they are here? They sound like they're younger than they were in FFXV (I think you mentioned Iggy being a teen this chapter) which wouldn't be out of the question given KH has aged down many FF characters, so you just got me curious! Also sounds like the boys are from RG and like Noct is possibly even someone important from there - maybe you've made him a prince (or some equivalent) of RG in this? ...huh... I'm now having a crazy wacky theory as to who Kairi's mystery brother might be... xD *ahem* MOVING ALONG! So Mickey visited this daylight world too to tell them to look for the Key. Kind of rude of Mickey to be such a gummiship tease xP No wonder this info was withheld from Noct with him getting all butthurt about it (tho I don't blame him either!) xP At first I thought the person he was hoping for news of was Luna, but now with my new theory bouncing about my skull, I have to wonder if there's someone else he's worried about...

And now we peek back in on Amaya! You did a great job here conveying her fear and confusion over what’s happened to her, her friends and family, her world, as well as her grief once some of it was explained. I really like that you chose Rinoa to be the one to greet her and comfort her when she woke up, she’s perfect for the role. I also like how you chose to express Amaya’s daze and glazed over look, using that comparison to the memory of her first meeting Kairi, that was beautifully done and really hit hard!

I liked the peek in on Rinoa’s, Cecil’s and Tifa’s conversation, really nice job with their characterizations there! Also got me curious who they were talking about that Cecil was on duty with that he’ll be keeping his eye on, and how important this mystery person potentially might be xD Someone apparently with darkness it sounds like, I’m gonna guess also an FF character, buuuuut I’m honestly not familiar with enough FF characters out there to make an even remotely educated guess xD In any case, looking forward to finding out! *snerk* Loved Amaya’s reaction to Cecil, omfg the curtsy x’D And all that blushing, Amaya x Cecil ship fo life, yo xP I kid, I kid!

Ahhhh, I guessed right, the pure daylight world they’re on is of your own original design, and Wayward Borough, very nice name, definitely has that KH feel to it! I definitely like the duality between it and Traverse Town and am looking forward to learning more about it, which it sounds like you totes have more details to share with us. This definitely feels like there’s a story behind it that you’ve put a lot of thought into, so I can’t wait to find out!

And worry not, this chapter wasn’t boring at all imho! I get it, I’m the same way when I’m writing my setup chapters, they can seem like such a drag to me compared to the more actiony chapters, but trust me, as a reader I found this chapter just as fun and enjoyable as the rest! Anyway, great job as always and don’t worry, take all the time you need to write your chapters, they’re worth the wait Looking forward to more!
SoraxKairi7 chapter 7 . 6/28/2019
I was wondering if Wayward Borough was a final fantasy world, but it sounds so much better since you said you created it! Looking forward to what you do with it, seems kinda like a Traverse Town, which is where I thought they were. Interesting that theres no nighttime.

So Amaya is still trying to figure things out, bit something is definitely about to happen. I know you're setting up for something great and sometimes you just need a chapter or two to do it. I like how you're putting Amaya with all these awesome FF characters. Hehe.

I assume Sora is in Traverse Town at the moment? Just trying to match up timelines here

As always, I'm looking forward to the next chapter!
Xxser3ndipityxX chapter 7 . 6/23/2019
Omg, you're FINALLY in my inbox! Yaaay, now I can enjoy a chapter of this fic again~

Dude, is Noctis hoping to find Luna? Cuz that's, like, the one girl he was most close to in FF15. Gotta be Luna. And I'm guesses Iris ended up somewhere else, too.

Also, if we get as far as a KH3 arc, Ignis tooootally has to cook in the Bistro. That MUST be a thing.

Man, your storytelling is top KNOTCH. So it's clear that they all came from Radiant Garden. I wonder if Noctis and Luna were just regular people there unlike their canon counterparts.

I'm getting the distinct feeling this fic will feature Final Fantasy characters muuuuuch more than canon does. ...And I am happy about that.

Wayward Borough? ? ? Wait, wait, wait, they're not on Traverse Town? ? Waaaaaaaaait...Ohhhhh, NOW the talk of a "possible" adjacent world makes sense! OHHH! And THAT'S why we're seeing a whole new cast of Final Fantasy characters! So is this like a clever tie in to canon in how only Leon and his gang were in Traverse Town? Like, "SURPRISE! All the other FF characters were totally just somewhere else!" xD

And suddenly it's obvious why Amaya will be experiencing a largely separate journey from Sora's own. Cuz she didn't end up where he did.

There's something so cute about little Sora and Riku making little Amaya be a princess for their pirate games.

You capture the mind of a child very well here! Little!Amaya, the child that she is, likely would not realize that the woman is the mayor's wife. So instead, Amaya simply recognizes her by things that stand out, like the fact that she was near the mayor at the festival or the "diamond" on her finger, which is obviously a wedding ring. In this way, the reader is given clues within the writing to drive home points that cannot be so obviously stated because the limitations of a child's awareness. Such crispy clean writing.

Omg, Tifa's bar must be much like it was in FF7 if they've even got the hidden elevator disguised as a pinball machine.

Hmmm...I wonder if Wayward Borough is near to Twilight Town? If it doesn't have a night cycle, that makes me think it could be nearby.
theIrishWriter chapter 7 . 6/23/2019
first thing first, whoop, next chapter, now to read it.
okay I like the section with the lads from FFXV, although I haven't played it, so I didn't really have an opinion on them, although, now I'm hungry, that Sandwich sounds good.

second part okay, Amaya reaction is pretty much on point, for something at is pretty terrifying, at best it's entire world gone, at worst, it entire potential universe that went poof, So Yeah Amaya hiding under the sheet is understandable. why do I get the feeling that the shark teeth necklace is going to be very important, like Kairi lucky charm important.

okay Cecil, Rosa and Kain , all we need now is Theodore and you have may four favourite characters from FF 4. Amaya reaction to Cecil was funny, cute, in character for her, also now I wondering if Tifa shows up in the KH2 version of this (assuming happens) will comment about Sora looking like Amaya.

okay to be fair, a lot does actually happens in this chapter it set up characters, it introduced characters, has some interaction between characters and give some background information, for example Cecil using the darkness, or Noct's relationship with ignis (I assume I didn't what their relationship is, in fact I don't really know anything about FFXV apart from Noct seem younger here).
quick question in regards to FF4 when does it take place?
Lunar Abyss chapter 7 . 6/22/2019
Not gonna lie, I squealed at Cecil, my favourite dark knight... and the chocobros... And Rosa... And Rinoa... If you keep adding FF characters, safe to say I'll keep squealing with joy xD This chapter was well worth the wait! And don't worry too much about exposition chapters, they're sometimes very necessary, and I think you did a good job with it :D
DyingofFeels chapter 7 . 6/22/2019
I’m really curious to see what you do with the FF characters. I’ve never seen a lot of these games, so I have no idea who some characters like Rinoa and Cecil are, but I’m hyped to see what you do with them. I’m also curious as for why you made another world. You probably could’ve stuck Sora and Amaya in different parts of Traverse Town and they just never find each other. Whatever the reason, I can’t wait for the next chapter!
Daughter of Kyne chapter 7 . 6/22/2019
Alright! I actually cheered when I woke this morning and saw that this had finally gone live! iIt was definitely worth the wait though imo and I’m glad that I was able to help, even if it was only a little bit! :3

Alright so that first scene — that brown-eyed chick. I’m getting all sortsa waves of mystery from her and I definitely am deeply intrigued by her. So can’t wait to see what sorta role she ends up playing!

I loved that you shifted the focus on to another set of characters — and I love that we got a lot of answers from the Chocobro scene itself, especially about how most of the Wayward Borough functions! And speaking of the wayward Borough, I love the creativity and uniqueness of that world you’ve constructed and I can’t wait to find out more secrets about it! :) it was a nice touch!

Oof, Amaya coming to though. She reacted as any normal 15-year-old would, especially finding a stranger when the place she’s from is so small, strangers aren’t really a thing. Plus, to find out your family is missing or just gone has to be horrifying. But I loved how Rinoa’s explanation of the Heartless mirrored Squall’s — Er, Leon’s. XD I also thought that Amaya’s curtesy to cecil was super adorable.

I’m really happy you did take the time to write this set up chapter because it really fleshes out the universe you have here and helps us as the reader understand the path you’re taking. I also can’t wait to see how it ties in to Sora’s journey.

Amazing update, keep writing and kicking ass! and remember, there is more to seek ;D

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