Reviews for Heart of Ice
13lor13 chapter 20 . 11/11/2018
This was so good! My poor heart.
Smexy Kitten chapter 20 . 4/29/2018
I basically read this fic in one day. I don't regret it! I couldn't keep my eyes off of this piece of wonderfully emotionally-charged writing. I loved every single chapter! You empathize so well with Yuuri, Victor and Yurio. Everything came from a place of darkness and hurt and loneliness. Idk what it is about this fandom that makes it so easy to write about and understand it. You did an excellent job. I was so happy for the happy ending, you have no idea.

Thank you for an awesome, beautiful ride!
Mlennie chapter 20 . 3/27/2018
This story was bat-shit-crazy ,but I fucking loved it. Damn... I need a minute to breath straight, do I call this a thriller? An experience? A journey? Whatever it was, I'm glad I sat through 2 hours of my day to read this story cuz shit man I'm always going to remember your fanfic. You have official mastered the ability to combined dark and light into a master piece. Round of applause to you.
SleepyPuppy chapter 20 . 12/2/2017
thank u for the story is beautiful ending, it portait that the world is not always a happy journey, but their is hope for a happy ending
fanatla chapter 20 . 11/27/2017
Nice story. I enjoyed it!
Good ending, bittersweet but good.
Hope you can write us a epilogue and that you recover from depression... I would want to read more YOI stories from you.
CakexBandxLife chapter 20 . 11/25/2017
*insert incredibly ugly cry and tears of joy for both of my cinnamon rolls FINALLY being happy* TT
Am literally sobbing because OMG THE FEELS AND THE HAPPINESS AND THE HURT AND THE LOVE *cries some more*
Thank you so much for this beautiful piece of heaven! Bless you!
warriorcatsrule42 chapter 20 . 11/24/2017
vanialex chapter 20 . 11/23/2017
First let me say that I am glad to hear that you are better. When you didn’t update I remembered your struggle and began to wonder if you were alright. If you ever need to talk I will listen just PM me. You have lots of love and support here. Secondly, the ending was beautiful and brought tears to my eyes. Hands down one of my favourite stories. Xoxo
Cuckooo chapter 20 . 11/23/2017
And everything about this chapter is ABSOLITELY BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT AND I'M CRYINGGG!
The fic that made me finally made an ff account so long but it's such a beautiful perfect ending and I'M SO HAPPY.
Thank you for finishing this fic despite the fact that you've lost your motivation and also struggling with depression...i'm sorry about all the bad things that happened to you, no matter what they are. I want to say thank you again, but i'm afraid you'll be sick by my comment at this point lol. I was so worried this was dropped. . Thank you (i'm so sorry i can't help it) for finishing it! Is it too much if i ask for an epilogue? I know you've got somehing planned... but since you lost some of your motivation, i didn't want to force you and made you hate writing altogether...
Oh, and thank you for the shoutout at the beginning! I was in class, and i suddenly read the notif you updated and i almost screaned. I didn't screamed, but i did read this chapter silently in my classroom...and when i read the shoutout, i was like "SENPAI NOTICED ME" (i am so sorry, i'm trash). I've been having a pretty bad week, but you just single handedly made this a wonderful day for me. Thank you so much! And congratulations for finishing this!
JustHereToDropBy chapter 20 . 11/22/2017
Oh my Gosh... I can't believe this is finally over (sob). It's been a long ride I think about 7 months now. I'm glad I was with all of you guys this whole time. I bet everything changed and I'm sorry about your sister. I wasn't really a fan of 'Yuuri on Ice' anymore but this story is perfect. Thank you for giving me this story for me to read and putting your time into this. I'm pretty sure this will be my last and final comment on this story. I love all of you guys. Goodbye.
MissMJS chapter 20 . 11/22/2017
Ohhhh, how emotional this was! Damn! All that time, gone... alas, I suppose it was needed to do some healing.
Thank you for this last chapter! I truly appreciate you working really hard to finish this and not leave us hanging!
JustHereToDropBy chapter 19 . 11/21/2017
Please update but it's fine if you don't really want to
MissMJS chapter 19 . 11/8/2017
Goddamn you.
Do you know what time it is for me, right now? 2 FUCKING AM!
I thought, ‘Oh, lookie! This looks like a good, dark read! Let’s read this for an hour!’
Four fucking hours later...
Damn it all, damn my need for angst!
But bravo for making me refuse to put this down, regardless of my tired, stiff eyes!
Guest chapter 19 . 10/20/2017
I understand what you mean by depression. Keep fighting it with everything you got! Just know that there are people out there in the world that care about you. Stay safe.
fanatla chapter 14 . 8/12/2017
Yes, no doubt!
You're a worthless human being... you're going to burn in tragedy hell flames for all the eternity for writing this... and I am going to join you for reading it.
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