Reviews for veritas
hislips chapter 1 . 4/18/2017
I'm a ShinRan fan so I'll definitely support any fic that is ShinRan.
Anyways, this is cute and sweet! The characterizations were spot on and I love the ending! It was so them!
Write more ShinRan! :)
MysticCritic chapter 1 . 4/17/2017
Huh...these prompts sure are varied! But, I am enjoying each one of these, so good job!
Shinichi and Ran's conversation post 'Conan' could go in so many different ways, yet this does sound the most believable one Ran forgiving him despite it all. I like the outlook and end you've portrayed here.
Good job.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/17/2017
Too lazy to login right now lmao.
Just wanna say that I absolutely adore this piece! Sinple and sweet and everything I wish Aoyama sensei would give us /he did tho, like every 250 chapters in between hahhaha/
Also, you have very good writing skills, vocab and grammar are on point so well done!
Would love to read more of shinran fics from you so