Reviews for Halo: An Odd Relationship
EnderKingDeathstone chapter 12 . 9/21
After all my years reading Halo fanfics I am amazed I never found this Gem yet. Overall I am happy to manage to find this to read as it is enjoyable for me. Hope to see this continue on being updated in the future and see the that love blossom
Captain Health chapter 12 . 9/16
Yo bro cool one this one. Might wanna go over the date when it goes to "present day" it still says 2553 when it should be 58(?).

Always interesting to seen humans and those split lips interacting with each other. Maybe have a bit where they talk about music? Eye dee kay I'm not a psychic
Captain Health chapter 11 . 9/16
Really sweet flashback that was!

Hope Mr. Mayne gets the therapy mans needs it
The Book of Eli chapter 12 . 9/16
Well looks like we got a flashback and a good bit of growth as well as conflict on the new allies side. I'm excited on what their first mission will be...
Captain Health chapter 9 . 9/16
This is a good ass story
MrMcNasty chapter 12 . 9/14
So uh, did Fireteam Chaos travel back in time to do that mission on New Constantinople? Because they graduated from ODST training in 2550, and now they're off-world in the year 2537...
Captain Health chapter 8 . 9/14
Jungle warfare?

"Hey I've seen this one before!"

*Gimme Shelter plays in the distance*
ArchAngel319 chapter 12 . 9/14
Thanks again R-P for another awesome chapter. Good luck with the next one, and as always have fun writing.
Red-Raptor-Writing chapter 12 . 9/14
Yeah, this is really good. I enjoy the short blast from the past moments, it makes it obvious how much his squad's death really did to him. My only complaint is how fucking dare you say protein bars taste like shit. Those things are a delightful treat and don't you forget it.
Kellise chapter 12 . 9/14
Good chapter, though Grunts wouldn't be able to eat Humans at the same time as Jackles. I dunno if they do, doesn't happen in the books (though Jackles definitely do) but due to their methane breathing they wouldn't be able to demask to snack on us unless the bodies were in a methane enviroment...which means the Jackles couldn't because they'd need an oxygen atmo
Notgoodatnames chapter 11 . 9/4
Glad to have you backThe chapters just keep getting better and better
Notgoodatnames chapter 11 . 9/3
Good to have you back. Great chapter, they just keep getting better
Jctherebel chapter 11 . 8/26
Awesome story, really enjoying it
Needless chapter 10 . 8/24
Ya I am happy to see this story didn't die readed more of my favorite book :)
treysonsutton chapter 11 . 8/16
...2 years time to finish the fight
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