Reviews for Sideline: Another Story
bookwyrm321 chapter 59 . 8/3
Finally found a free minute to read this! I loved the battle (those dog fighter guys deserved way worse than they got) and I have some suspicions about this Auric Kintsugi guy too.
bookwyrm321 chapter 58 . 7/2
Flashback time! Vixen gets pranky, Neon has ZERO filter, and Coco is too classy to drool over Azalea but she must have been pretty damn close. Cute sheep, cute dog, and those dogfighters are DEAD when Rua gets her hands on them.
bookwyrm321 chapter 57 . 6/16
Sideline and RWBY Rangers updates in the same day? Oh hell yes. Lapis has a majorly badass sister. And I bet Slate is pretty jealous of HIS sister right now, seeing as she doesn’t seem to suffer from seasickness like he is. Poor guy.
I’ll read and review the other update a bit later, but this was great.
bookwyrm321 chapter 56 . 1/7
This was an awesome wrap-up to the story arc. A Grimm that can regenerate itself by eating rocks is something new and I love the idea. Celadon has done a lot of maturing, and now Fragment Hunter and friends are headed for Anima by boat and being followed by a new character... also glad you’ll be updating RWBY Rangers soon because I’ve been rereading it in my free time.
bookwyrm321 chapter 55 . 12/31/2019
I know he’s a bad guy who wants to kill them, but I couldn’t help laughing when Vinyl covered deVoix in paint.
Dang, as if Terracotta wasn’t badass enough, he can withstand Dracule’s semblance? That man must have a ridiculously high pain tolerance. And to be honest, I’m not really surprised to learn that he’s had to kill people before.
Fandango isn’t as good with a scythe as Ruby? That should be good for Sunset, considering she isn’t as easily fooled by his semblance as most.
I sincerely hope that Weiss never finds out how quickly Sunset figured out summoning. Ice Queen would NOT be happy.
And now we have another giant Grimm emerging from a mountain? It’s like the fall of Beacon all over again...
bookwyrm321 chapter 54 . 11/24/2019
FINALLY got around to reading this!
Aww... wholesome moment between Azalea and Pinkie.
Rua’s afraid of clowns? Well, I guess she had to be scared of something...
So, one of the cultists can create illusions, one can mime objects that become solid, and one can transfer pain re receives to another target? Creepy. Although I loved Sunset’s mention of illusions not being that effective on her.
bookwyrm321 chapter 53 . 10/25/2019
That scene between Azalea and Pierre was SO adorable. Then the others had to go and ruin it... entertaining.
Rising tension makes for good conflict, but Celadon definitely went too far. She deserved that split lip Azalea gave her.
There’s freaking VAMPIRES now?! Well, that’s just great.
bookwyrm321 chapter 52 . 9/18/2019
Nice lead-up to the “monster” reveal. I knew Celadon was prissy, but her reaction was pretty snobby. Not cool, lady!
And that ending scene is setting the stage nicely for things to come...
ThePinkJirachi chapter 52 . 9/17/2019
I love the hunchback movie, and that just makes super disappointed in Celadon! I know she’ll turn to the light eventually.
bookwyrm321 chapter 50 . 5/10/2019
Seriously epic fight scene. I don’t even know where to start...
So when Sunset is reading Emerald’s thoughts, is she seeing everything in a split second, or is Emerald somehow incapacitated by Sunset’s power?
Yep, Aura Empathy has its drawbacks. The fact that Sunset is exhausted while channeling someone else’s aura can’t be helping.
I hope we’ll see more of PRDT and GLOW at some point.
Ten bucks says Sunset is singing Bad Luck Charm.
I always wondered how Jaune got his hands on what was left of Pyrrha’s weapons after the Fall. I like how you addressed that.
bookwyrm321 chapter 49 . 4/28/2019
Grudge match between Silver and his nemesis... looks like Rebecca, Celadon, and Team SLVR have their hands full. Six against one, and he’s STILL knocking them around easily.
Yeah, the Paladin isn’t gonna go down easy either.
Azalea is having none of your smooth talk today, Mister Phantom Thief.
Sable escaped. He’ll be back.
And another cliffhanger... well, we know what’ll happen next time.
bookwyrm321 chapter 48 . 4/15/2019
Layla always manages to look good while kicking butt. Flying carpets for life!
*tearing up* Azalea is such a wonderful person. Penny would be proud to call the two of them friends.
Several teams presenting a united front is a great visual. And now Team SMKE joins the fight. The phrase “honor among thieves” comes to mind.
I was right about Blond Guy! (Insert dorky victory dance here.)
A cliffhanger? Really?! Not cool... please update soon so I know how it ends up!
bookwyrm321 chapter 47 . 4/9/2019
Rua seems a bit too eager to beat information out of Team JADE. (They deserve it.)
Pinkie’s semblance is finally revealed! Sensing future events... and it’s important enough to interrupt her brother’s little make-out session.
Can’t wait to see what happens next!
bookwyrm321 chapter 46 . 2/28/2019
Nearly busted a gut laughing at Neptune in this one.
-getting shut down by Vinyl and the awkwardness that followed
-water wings? HAHAHA!
I’m guessing Sun likes the cold about as much as Layla and Slate do.
Ya know, between the water situation and electricity, maybe it’s a good thing the SSSN vs JNPR doubles match never happened. Nora would have OBLITERATED Neptune.
I think I know who the blond guy is...
ptl chapter 46 . 2/28/2019
Code Lyoko villains? You’re going to put an evil electrokinetic computer virus in this?
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