Reviews for Fenrir Hero Academia
D chapter 6 . 6/30
darkpaladin89 chapter 6 . 11/5/2019
Shut up, Mineta.

There is indeed a difference between red-blooded and outright lecherous.

Class Rep Midoriya. I approve.

No perving when Bakugou is on patrol.

Don'cha just love the paparazzi?

Cloud, Vincent... Hold tight. I'll go get the ruler. XD

Aoyama, keep on shinin'.

Todoroki-kun, you are YOU, not your dad.

Cloud... Keep a cool head.

Bad move, Bakugou.

Whoa. He fixed it.

...Can I give Vincent a hug?
darkpaladin89 chapter 5 . 11/5/2019
D'aww... Bakubro mode. :3
darkpaladin89 chapter 4 . 11/5/2019
Embrace the awkward, Cloud... EMBRACE IT.

M-Mom! XD

Cloud should just teach the class. I mean, he practically has as much experience as Eraserhead.

What do you suppose they'll say when they find out he imported that power from another existence?

If it hadn't already been decided, I'd put Bakugou with Cloud. He's the only one who can quasi-keep him in line.
darkpaladin89 chapter 3 . 11/5/2019
Now That's What I Call Diabeetus :3
HALO-ODSTgirl104 chapter 2 . 8/22/2019
The emphasis you put on girls is ridiculous. It's like you're trying to make them all like Cloud or be attracted some way or another to the trio. It's totally different from Cloud, and being OCC is okay but the sharp change doesn't fit him in my opinion. Maybe being more open and friendly yes, but just having girls lusting after them without even knowing him just demeans them to fangirls to Sakura's and Ino's levels. Maybe the girls will even fight each other for their affection like they did over Sasuke.

Sorry, I tried to give this a chance but no.
HALO-ODSTgirl104 chapter 1 . 8/22/2019
A limit break on the slime monster? Really? Is this going to be concentrated on girls just going crazy over cloud? That would just really take away from the story and its just so cliche and annoying, in my opinion. Even before he had Tifa going after him but he never reciprocated her advances. If anything, Cloud is the loner type? There is a type of leeway in fanfiction but still, this is a drastic change without explanation.
ImmaNumber1 chapter 1 . 4/19/2019
Emeralds? EMERALD SPLASH! Should have just turned him into kakyoin.
ImmaNumber1 chapter 1 . 4/19/2019
cyde, Cloud is a better character than Izuku will ever be.
Cyde chapter 1 . 1/19/2019
BNHA isn't BNHA without Izuku. He's gotta be there.

As far as preferring Inko's original look is concerned, don't worry. Her weight gain was primarily due to stress-eating. Having given Izuku a quirk, you pretty much eliminated her biggest source of stress.

I'd even go so far as to say that if Izuku had been born with a quirk, Izuku would more than likely see training his body as a necessary step toward joining UA and becoming a hero. Inko, being Inko, would probably want to join Izuku in some aspects of his training if for no other reason for an excuse to bond with him. They seriously have one of the best mother-son relationships I've ever seen in any form of fiction.
Kadzuki Kurokami chapter 6 . 1/8/2019
LoL. JoJo reference)))
Professor Shithead chapter 6 . 6/3/2018
Professor Shithead chapter 5 . 6/3/2018
W W We



Professor Shithead chapter 4 . 6/3/2018
Professor Shithead chapter 3 . 6/3/2018
Sean I'm only spamming because you got my other account deleted so this payback
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