Reviews for Armed and Dangerous
Beyondtoday chapter 3 . 1/22
The detail makes me spit dirt from my mouth and wipe the sweat from my forehead. Great story!
Beyondtoday chapter 2 . 1/22
Oh what a tangled web they've weaved.
WildChild2014 chapter 1 . 4/11/2017
As soon as I saw the ship's name 'Stella', I hoped you would include Mudd in this story. And I like this version of Mudd. He's a little less PG than the original - but still Mudd.
markervin63 chapter 1 . 4/11/2017
Well, obviously, he's gonna beat the rap for Ronaldi's killing, or we wouldn't have Star Trek VI. I'd tell you how I think he's gonna do it, but I don't wanna spoil it for everyone if I'm right. Oh, and Ol' Harry is lucky Spock didn't introduce him to the 24th century version of "walking the plank", ie, getting shoved into an airlock and having them wave bye-bye before opening the outer door. I mean, if you're gonna be a pirate, BE a pirate, dig?