Reviews for MON - Squad Bravo
Colossus Bridger chapter 51 . 5/22
Okay, the Demonic Incursion Trilogy is over. Will Yuuto and Lala have a time in peace with each other for a few chapters? After all the scrap they went through, I think it’s best they have a time off from all these supernatural adventures.
Guest chapter 51 . 5/14
51 was an absolute banger
HelpMeI'mTyping chapter 16 . 4/27
Ha ha. I get it. But I am pretty sure that it was gel, not slime, Wheatly.
MrFridau chapter 1 . 4/11
Are we going to see a new chapter or are you taking a break for the pandemic
KSI1973 chapter 47 . 11/18/2019
If you're going to end Handling My Roommate's Libedio, end it on a great note and an incredible sex scene with Callum & Cerys. Maybe have a timeskip where they're married and have kids. I hate to see it just be dropped as I truly enjoy it more than MON -Squad Bravo in some ways. Just don't end because you don't have ideas for it. It's got great potential.
DarkVader547 chapter 47 . 11/17/2019
Wait, before you drop Handling my Homestay's Libido, can you write a lemon scene for it? It really was a great read in my opinion so it's a little sad to see it go. If not, that's fine. Keep up the great work.
girani4 chapter 47 . 11/17/2019
why do i smell a love triangle in the future
XXxxxadisxxxXX chapter 25 . 7/30/2019
Ya, I'm really surprised you did not go the harem route or like a dual pairing or something. I would have certainly enjoyed it more, but hey you do you. This is my least favorite part of the fic because I have to see the people I wanted the mc to end up with getting heartbroken, and honestly, the whole thing with Lala just seems so underdeveloped to me. I thought he was gonna end up with Blare. I hoped he would have. Also, the whole hellhound thing is something that I was hoping for because I was interested in it. The only other one is a dom/sub thing and I find that gross so I did not read it. Other than that I respect your choices for this though. I just wished that everyone got a happy ending.
Guest chapter 46 . 6/2/2019
Great chapter please keep going with it
Scattershot98 chapter 46 . 5/31/2019
YAY UPDATE! Ah Farm time it is! Huh, wonder what's up with zombinna, maybe all the sun is wearing her out? Oh Yuuto, dont make bets like that! lala ain't gonna be happy! Then again he's got devil powers on his side. Wait, does that make him a Devilman?! cause now I'm laughing my ass of picturing Yuuto doing the devildash to win his race! OUCH, now that's alotta damage! Oh c'mon, kestria could've flown out of reach! manual labor is definitely more enticing than dealing with Smith, she's hard enough without making her mad. Aaand here we ho with lewd satyrs once again. kinda killed the farm atc for me in the manga but it seems to be done better here. I honestly snickered at Blare being the one to get the sheep. Yes, baby chicks are adorable. Kestria may be on chick patrol, but it's time for Yuuto to go on THOT patrol. now THAT was an extremely dramatic way to shear some wool lol. BEGONE SAANE! LMAO "I just wanna talk", some of the most intimidating words you can hear while being chased. That and "You can run all you want, you're just gonna die tired". Great chapter! super excited for the next one!
Linkskingsolomon chapter 4 . 5/7/2019
Tell me when he gets with zombina
Scattershot98 chapter 45 . 3/13/2019
in the words of Lil JohnYEAHHHHHHHHHH" New chappie! Lala is now a team member! So excited to see her in action and them being able to move in! Ah, heading to Yuki's onsen I see! and this is one of the things I worried would happen, lala being on a team of girls who like or liked Yuuto and getting jealous. Lala finally found someone she can actually be a chuuni with and be true about it lol. Ah nice bathing, something I wish we had here in America. this lucky bastard, all these women! I'll give props to Raia for that stunt, buuuuut I knew it wasn't gonna end well for her. great chapter!
Guest chapter 44 . 2/12/2019
I read nickolay in the russian voice from black ops 1. And it worked well
AspidDrakon chapter 44 . 2/12/2019
Aayy, thanks for the shout-out, comrade! I'm always happy to help people with stuff about Russia.

Nice chapter. I like the bits of romance between Tio and Kolya (friend-level form of Nikolay).

But, man, have I been away from this site for a while. I should really go back to writing my own work.

Anyway, if you need any help with any stuff Russian, feel free to message me.
Scattershot98 chapter 44 . 2/12/2019
NEW chapter! Well, new armor for Centorea. Too got a boyfriend huh? niiiice! Well that's one misunderstanding that was swiftly dealt with, props to Yuuto. forget super Saiyan mode, I want Devilman mode lmao. Well, not only is he demonic in origin but his sword as well. Super happy for tio, even if she isn't one of my favs in the series. SOOOOOOO EXCITED for lala and Yuuto to live together! Kimihito, never bet unless your sure of something lol. Ah Smith, you can smile and still send enough aura to match that of Esdeath's if your called out on your shenanigans. Nice to know you have another MonMusu story, and I'm happy to admit I've read Russian life with Slavic liminals, great story as well. awesome chapter!
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