Reviews for The Fated Meetings
Guest chapter 40 . 9/4
I've really enjoyed this story and hope you come back to it some day. Stay safe out there.
Vosck chapter 40 . 8/28
I really hope you update this, this is phenomenal!
Guest chapter 40 . 8/13
I hope you find the time and heart to continue this!
LadySeshiiria chapter 40 . 8/6
LadySeshiiria chapter 25 . 8/4
Yueeeeeeeeee! T.T
LadySeshiiria chapter 24 . 8/4
Balling... Damn tear jerker! XD XD You have to know this, if you can invoke a good cry it was well written!

It's the combo of Yue and Zuko!
LadySeshiiria chapter 23 . 8/4
Loving the storyline!
iamareadingaddict1 chapter 18 . 7/15
Ahhhh! The fluff is so good! I’m squealing!

P.S. This chapter was written really well. I’ve read this story all in one go, and I just wanted to mention how much better your writing has gotten as the story’s progressed.

This is so great... I love it!
trafficcone chapter 40 . 7/4
I just started rewatching avatar again, and your story was the first one I though about reading. It’s just as awesome as I remember! I hope some inspiration strikes that inspires you to keep updating, but if not I’ll be content with rereading it as is every once in a a while. Thanks for writing such an awesome story. I still love Ameya just like I used to!
AraneaHigh chapter 40 . 7/2
This story is absoulety amazing!
Just a Fan chapter 40 . 6/21
Hello! I just wanted to say that I've been re-reading your story, and it remains one of my favourite AtlA stories out there! Your writing is fantastic, and I can't wait to see what happens next. You're so close to the end; I can only imagine what the finale will look like! I can't wait for your next update, but I understand the need to write at your own pace. Please take the time you need - I'll read whatever comes next!
ragnaremere chapter 40 . 6/9
Alrighty then- I just binged this entire story in two day and I have to say it. This is the best godamn fanfiction I have read on this stupid but wonderful site. Seriously, I am beyond impressed with your creative choices and thoughtful character building. First thing I love about this story is that the character Ameya is alone. I defiantly resonated with that and it felt natural reading her story. You really built a complex character with her and it is so beautiful to read. Second is the illustrative way you write. There were some sentences in this story that made me stop reading and say "damm that was a good line." Every choice is so well thought-out and easy to visualize in my head. Nothing feels forced and you didn't make Ameya a mary-sue. I appreciate that. Thirdly, I am impressed that even through you write her as a main charter she isn't and I think that helps her appear less like a mary sue. Ameya is such an interesting character and fits into the story like a missing puzzle piece. I can imagine it was hard having her fit into the canon of ATLA. This story stick out among a sea of OC stories, so you should be very proud of yourself as a writer. Even though the fic isn't finished I do hope you continue it up one day. I'm no writer but as an artist I struggle with motivation so badly so I get it. I have noticed a weird trend on this site with stories I have read, that writers have stopped updating about the same time in the canon before the 4 part comet episodes that end the series. Thank you for writing such an incredible story with ATLA. I am so appreciative to have read this work, the character Ameya has really helped me overcome some of my own fears. So thank you again and hope to see an update one day!
ragnaremere chapter 19 . 6/8
I loved this chapter! I am happy she went after him in the end! That was really sweet and caring.
ragnaremere chapter 3 . 6/7
UGH! its so nice to read an OC avatar fanfic that doesn't strictly follow the story! I have read so many that were basically the show in written form, This is original af and the creativity is impressive!
ragnaremere chapter 2 . 6/7
Love this story and the fan art is amazing!
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