Reviews for Forbidden Love
NaughtyAngelBrat chapter 1 . 6/18/2017
It was really well done. As hard as the guilt is to live with, sometimes there isn't enough punishment to assuage it. At least not without it turning torture.

Hugs, Che'
affleckfan08 chapter 1 . 4/11/2017
Great story! Glad with the way Gibbs handled Tony's transgressions in this one! Loved the last part about Mike franks! Maybe a story in the future where Mike has to stand in for Gibbs and deal with tony himself?
Guest chapter 1 . 4/9/2017
Oh you can't help but feel sorry for everyone in this situation. Gibbs not punishing Tony was truly the most effective punishment. Loved the little bits with Mike and Jenny. Perfectly executed as always! Tony should at least thank his lucky stars he wasn't tasting soap after cussing at Gibbs, ha!
Fan chapter 1 . 4/9/2017
Just been reading your reviews for this and i wholeheartedly agree with the praise heaped upon it. I have to say that i also love it when Gibbs treats them as the kids that they really are!
Have you ever thought of doing a story where Tony manages to get Mike Franks or Jackson to tell all about times when Gibbs was in trouble? Could make fun reading.
Ladyaloysius chapter 1 . 4/9/2017
Love it! Perfect touch!
GibbsGibbsGibbs chapter 1 . 4/9/2017
Wow. This was incredible. I love all your work but I rarely comment, hard to know what to say. But this story was amazing and very few writers have delved into the E.J./Tony storyline. I loved every minute of this piece. I loved that Tony stood up to Gibbs and didn't just take his rules lying down and I love that Gibbs was relentless in applying those rules because he knew what he was talking about. The part where Tony was so broken in the basement scene damn near killed me! Inks, be kind! I can't deal with a broken Tony and I'm so so glad that Gibbs didn't let his anger get the better of him and turf Tony out. I think Gibbs' refusal to deal with things "normally" was a really cool idea and really well written. Especially when he opened up a bit to Tony as to why he was doing what he was doing. Just to the other reviewers comment that Tony never loved E.J., I disagree. I think E.J. was extremely important to Tony, maybe not in the same sense as Jeanne was or Ziva, but certainly not nothing either. I think the scene where Tony was torn between Tim and E.J. was such a cool idea. I loved it all. Sorry for rambling (this is why I don't comment much) but this alongside "No you hang up" is one of my favorite stories by you! I know you didn't update for like just two weeks or so, but it felt like a lifetime lol...update sooner, please? Pretty please? You don't get to have a normal life, I'm sure other readers feel the same when I say I want more more more! Thanks Inks! Keep rockin!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/9/2017
Wow! I love your take on Tony's relationship with Barret! Great writing (as always), especially love how Gibbs revealed to Tony in the end it parallels to his relationship with Jenny and the issues that surfaced. Can't get enough of these two!
SharonE68 chapter 1 . 4/8/2017
I liked your spin on EJ's and Tony's relationship...and the affect it had on Tony. When realization of his action hit him it was so Tony.
I have admit Gibbs' wisdom shining through surprised me. Thanks for sharing.
Guest Reader chapter 1 . 4/8/2017
I love your writing. I especially enjoy the stories where Gibbs treats his team like the adults they are. Tony was caught between a rock and a hard place. His heart was in the right place and he wasn't technically breaking the rules of NCIS...just Gibbs rules. (Albeit, Gibbs rules are made mostly from his own experiences.). However, he had to learn the hard way that Gibbs usually has good reasons for his rules. I can see why Gibbs was angry with him, but Tony already realized his mistake and made the right decision. Living with himself and the guilt he feels is exactly what we do as adults in the real world. Good story :). I love stories with application to real life.
DiNozzodame chapter 1 . 4/8/2017
Yay! You're back. Nice story. Thanks for posting.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/8/2017
Tony never loved EJ
TracyTravis chapter 1 . 4/8/2017
So we'll written, as usual. I think Tony didn't understand the consequences of his relationship with EJ. He resented Gibbs for his ultimatum and didn't see the dangers, until he experienced it. Gibbs had previously been through it with Jenny, so he had the experience of knowing what could happen. I'm glad he shared that story with Tony because he needed to also realize that the infallible Gibbs could also make a mistake.
Fan chapter 1 . 4/8/2017
Wow! Just incredible, even by your standards. The phrase 'roller coaster of emotions' is really overused but somehow so fitting for your work. Yet still you find the trademark vein of humour running through. Gibbs's response was so perfect. Thank you o-talented-one!