Reviews for The Tempest Temptation
Guest chapter 14 . 8/28
Ooooooooooooooh. Dino as tsuna's sky would be a great revenge for squalo. Makes me think of tsuna as a certain marshmallow's cloud. I know tsuna can't be a cloud officer but I really feel sorry for xan. Lol maybe he'll be cloud captain & kyouya will be vice and he'll be the one controlling kyouya's body count? Kyouya's still too young to kill tho. Anyway. Maybe reborn would harmonise already and tsuna would just fuck everything and complete his guardians. No? Yeah. I like long fics anyways.
Junyahui chapter 14 . 8/26
oh shit.
BoyishBlue chapter 14 . 8/26
Fuck Nono. (Sorry for being crude, but he deserves that.) Leave the kid alone! He already done you so many favours for pete's sake. why can't you just let him be as a freeman?
BoyishBlue chapter 14 . 8/26
Ack. Zelos death is too unexpected and heart wrenching.
kuu.mochizuki.3 chapter 14 . 8/25
I would say poor Xanxus but... he kinda deserved it, fantastic chapter looking forward to reading more
Arco-Alaude chapter 14 . 8/25
amazing as always. ive almost stopped reading fanfiction since i dont have the time for it.

this is one of thoae fics i still make time for. they re absolutely amazing. cànt wait for the next chapter
Freefan1412 chapter 14 . 8/25
Oh, hey, that's a pinch for Tsuna. Knowing the mafia, they're not going to let the matter rest until Tsuna has a sky somewhere. Which makes me think...what element is Kyoko again?
NotYourDamsel chapter 14 . 8/24
Oh shit
Valen Goncalvez chapter 14 . 8/24
Please keep updating! I can't wait to know what will happen next! And thank you for your efforts!
Kiri Namikase chapter 14 . 8/24
And Dino is angry with Xanxus for Squalo
shukkets chapter 14 . 8/23
VanyaNoldo22 chapter 14 . 8/23
Oh dear... that's painful
michiko-chan27 chapter 14 . 8/23
This might be rude or offending but Im kind of desperate so I'll ask. please dont abandon the restaurant with sushi that's out of this world... please dont. I forgot to review this in that story I think? I'll be looking forward to its update this month!
michiko-chan27 chapter 14 . 8/23
Ohyes. Reading the previous chapters, I knew that somehow, its a possibility that Tsuna could be Dino's Cloud. I approve wahaha!
buterflypuss chapter 14 . 8/23
good chap
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