Reviews for Alexinia Ivy Potter and the Hybrid
jgood27 chapter 17 . 7/4
Love this story and can't wait to read more
angela340278 chapter 17 . 5/29
lol wow the progression of this fanfic is really quick but I enjoyed it.
maxe03 chapter 17 . 5/20
Really so kol and Becca are just going to ignore ther fact that there's a potion that allows them to have kids
maxe03 chapter 15 . 5/20
Luna has to know the same legend that scared Ali so she should have told them
maxe03 chapter 14 . 5/20
Hope she's not pregnant
maxe03 chapter 13 . 5/20
What happened to her talking to kol and Rebecca. Also a little weird this was lol plan before he saw the dynamite between them
maxe03 chapter 12 . 5/20
The daggers melting surprised me
maxe03 chapter 10 . 5/20
Surprised Klaus didnt greet Stephan like he knew him.
How old are Jen and aleric?
maxe03 chapter 9 . 5/20
A little surprised she didn't convince him to release his family or his sibling relationship with Jen didn't make him want his own sister.
Really wanna know what happened to Nik,and why h e doesn't want to turn the girls
maxe03 chapter 8 . 5/20
When did they devolope this bond and wonder if theyres a way for him to share his immortality with her and for him to awaken his witch genes
maxe03 chapter 7 . 5/20
Did she get Nick to better himself while he had her at college hell both of them could have used a shrink
chimera629 chapter 5 . 5/19
didnt expect that
chimera629 chapter 3 . 5/19
wheres elijha
chimera629 chapter 2 . 5/19
hope klaus and his sibling arent as immature and lame as the show
MageVicky chapter 17 . 5/17
good chapter! i guessed pregnancy the second i read 'pickle craving' hahaha but god, sirius scared me there for a second.
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