Reviews for Jeller Fluff
KeepSaying chapter 12 . 3/3/2018
... I don’t know what I expected but it was not this. This has to have been the least fluffy chapter of this fluff story!

I do love the head canon of Rich telling the team about the extent of Jane’s torture... because they damn well should know what she endured. Also it gives a little angst. I love my angst

And then all seems to be going so well and now Roman is gone! I wanna cry! Give him back! He can’t be on his own :((((

Oh and btw Kurt carried her again :D

Loved reading this and being taken back into season two and your point of view and meeting that great doctor.
Great job!
KeepSaying chapter 11 . 3/3/2018
They’re going into battle! My babies are suiting up to destroy the biggest terrorist threat all on their lonesome. I’m not crying. You’re crying.

But then there are some things that you should always have near by when taking down a terror group, and what’s that? Uh yeah, Jane, you’re right.

"Did he get any floss?"

Now that’s some real talk right there hahaha!

I loved the Weller holding Jane scene and they slept and there were no nightmares and it was wonderfuk
KeepSaying chapter 10 . 3/3/2018
Ahhh this is great! I love the people you put together for this... 11 against the rest of the world. Sorry, Jane. Wouldn’t wanna forget Roman right? Well, I still agree wiTh Cade that you’re slightly outgunned but that never stopped you before, right?

Also Wellers frustration at bureaucracy is hilarious. Living in Germany that’s definitely something I struggle with on a daily basis haha
KeepSaying chapter 9 . 3/3/2018
“Jane is dead” *looks at Jane standing in front of him looking very healthy* “looks good for a dead woman. Btw your boss is dead but he’s an actual corpse”

Thanks Keaton, love you loads haha!

I’m so glad Roman chose Jane! (Btw the last episode? After this j refuse to believe he’s beyond saving. My poor boy is simply broken and looking for some love. He’s also killing people but really it’s no biggie)

And then there’s this: "He should have gone for the head shot."
At some point Weller is going to die of a coronary
KeepSaying chapter 8 . 3/2/2018
I love how in this story the plot is really minor and the fluff is huge. I could get used to that

Oh Roman... isn’t it weird telling your sister that her boyfriend and her should have heated sex? I don’t know... it would feel weird to me but who am I to talk, right?
At least now we know he really does love her (not that I doubted it)
Loved the „I know you care for me...” “no, idiot Jane, I love you. That’s what I said. Don’t you go twisting my words” ... well something along that lines anyway
KeepSaying chapter 7 . 3/2/2018
sigh... even though there was no mention of our favorite doctor (maybe he did get this night off for once) this was really great

They’re getting closer I mean with the whole declaring their love for each other and him asking her to move to Colorado with him? You’re moving fast, kiddos. But I guess it’s true love for ya

Also, poker night at Roman‘s! Haha and it might give him the opportunity to grow closer to Patterson:) just saying:))
KeepSaying chapter 6 . 3/2/2018
“Lips that had cherished began to ravish.”
This is poetry. I might’ve to steal that sentence at some point because damn it’s brilliant. Both in its semantics and it’s sound

Also oops. I have a feeling you love having them go undercover half naked (not that I’m complaining)

And they met the doctor again (poor guy, is he working every night?)
Also loved the “I’m worth it and you’re worth waiting for” because awhhh yes
KeepSaying chapter 5 . 3/2/2018
HAHAHAHAAHAHA oh my goodness I can’t breathe!
This doctor has to be one of my favorite characters in this story. I mean it’s cute he was expecting her and then he just goes on with his life in a “well I hope no sign is a good sign but who knows with these kids. She might as well be dead” way. But nice that he hopes she isn’t. Makes him look very sympathetic

Oh and also thanks for not making Pellington the bad guy. I’m not sure I like him but at least he’s not shady ((yet)) ((((yes this is blindspot so everything’s possible)))
KeepSaying chapter 4 . 3/2/2018
I feel that on the show Jane is never the one beim seriously injured. Not saying that I want her to get hurt but i kinda of really do... think of all the worried Weller that would get us...

Anyway, your story is the opposite because she’s always injured. Kinda love that (sorry Jane and kirt)
KeepSaying chapter 3 . 3/2/2018
This is really mending all the cracks in my broken heart. It’s wonderful and I have a feeling that will describe every single chapter moving forward as well

“but I didn't want her to die…so I sat on her.”
This broke my heart because my first reflex was to laugh and then I let it sink in and it’s really the most innocent and heartbreaking thing he could’ve said just then. And then I cried.
It’s a fine line
KeepSaying chapter 2 . 3/2/2018
Hahah when the doctor just looks at you with a “you again?” You’re definitely spending too much time in the hospital
And again Roman and Kurt taking care of her... is this going to be the recurring theme? Because I’m loving it!
KeepSaying chapter 1 . 3/2/2018
Ahhh. Sweet innocent fluff, how much I love this already

Honestly, Roman and Jane interactions are my favorite thing and I want them back together because dammit you two, you love each other. Anyway, having Roman and Kurt as her watch dogs? That’s gotta be exhausting and kind of adorable
Just glad there’s nothing really wrong with her
MaqiCorbalan chapter 12 . 6/27/2017
Good story. I liked it
lipamo chapter 12 . 6/10/2017
oh yes, yes what a great finale! loved every second of reading - this was pretty addictive as you already know. love it so much, your writing is impeccable.
lipamo chapter 11 . 6/9/2017
they did it! it was so long coming and everybody would have in that situation. i mean - they could die within few hours so i think it is very authentic. and more jeller the better for me :)
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