Reviews for Fireflies at Midnight
Massive HTTYD Fan chapter 4 . 1/23
If the stars are the way to true love, I think Neal and Sara made a good start with the fireworks.

Also, Neal shouldn't bother testing the limits of the hunters' belief in possible things; they've seen a lot Mozzie can only theorize about.
Massive HTTYD Fan chapter 3 . 1/23
That last scene didn't even have Crowley smirking around to soften the threat to El and Janet; though they do have plenty of ability, we still don't really want them in danger...
Massive HTTYD Fan chapter 2 . 1/23
Ah yes, ghosts of the past popping up here. Neal's dad, John Winchester... And some healthy father-son bonding. Well, I suppose hunting demons is how Dean and Sam come with Bobby.
Massive HTTYD Fan chapter 1 . 1/23
Less of the 'evil' with Maia, please...
Also, I have to ask; why did nobody question meeting two sisters with names of the Pleiades so soon after Alcyone? Would there not have been some wonder about the possibility of it not being coincidence?

By the way, in the episode of Doctor Who that involves is daughter Jenny, I was convinced there should be a scene with someone shouting "Jump, Jenny, jump!". Imagine my disappointment when I realised it wouldn't happen.
PastOneonta chapter 6 . 5/13/2017
A nice conclusion to another very good supernatural white collar story. It was pretty scary to read about Neal running from vampires. It was more stressful to read he was remembering Vance and the run for his life when he was just 9 years old. It made sense that experience would come back to him as he tried to climb a tree. He stayed focused and never gave in to reckless panic. That characteristic of Neal is always impressive.

The vamps did find him, I think. Weren't they sniffing under his tree? Did they ignore him because they knew the witches wanted him for another purpose? I am speculating but I am thinking that if the vamps wanted Neal they would have succeeded. I am worried!

They have learned a lot with all the resources of Bobby and his network and now they know about the Astrena. Are they giving it enough attention? Sam and Neal are sharing similar dreams about women, shouldn't that be suspicious to everyone? Dean needs to hear Sam dream and challenge him on it. Maybe Sam will see the threat when he has to defend himself from Dean.

I liked Peter's protective nature of Neal. He tends to think Neal looks for trouble but in this case Neal was innocent. He was rescuing two children. I liked the camp and how it engaged the children and the adults commitment to the kids. I liked Mozzie adapting and dealing with the crisis. It's good to see that he can reign it in and calm himself when needed.

Lots to look forward to in future stories. Neal is thinking of dating the new student in his art group at Columbia. Will the witch be jealous? That could be fun! But the student is no regular student, she has a mission. Sam and Dean will be in the area which is good. The vamps are going to show themselves at some point. Looking forward to it all! Thanks for this and for the plans for more writing, we appreciate it.
KeJae chapter 6 . 5/12/2017
I like how you wrote the first section. Neal was running (Run! in italics), and that gave a sense of fear and danger while reading it. Also, the idea that he wasn't just running from the present danger, that he was running like he had so many times before all over again at the same time. It was Vance, police, mistakes, fears, and regrets he was running from, and not just a bunch of vampires which had something... far more to it. You're right. I also enjoyed seeing worried Peter discover Neal's absence, the battle with panic as he learns how much danger Neal is in, and the relief as he learns Neal is alright and sees him standing safely with him. Papa Peter is great :D The brothers don't know about Neal's nickname, and yet Dean hit it nail on the head ;) As the group learns more about their foes, they gotta figure out what danger Neal and Sam are in eventually, which would likely lead to realizing how much danger Elizabeth and Janet are in as well. Maybe Elizabeth will turn out to be more of a saving figure in this one since she senses what the boys seem to be missing...
KeJae chapter 5 . 5/12/2017
Sisters can drive you nuts too... and it isn't only younger siblings who get annoying. Trust me, I'm middle child with one of each ;) El and Satchmo have the way of it, and for once Peter's gut and Neal's instincts are failing them. Uh-oh, of course Neal had to run into trouble and witness part of what happened in the woods. At least the kids are brave and cooperative, and he has enough experience with trouble to hold it together. Aw, Peter's worried :D
wotumba1 chapter 6 . 5/10/2017
They sure are getting closer to finding out about the sisters...

Glad Neal made it out ok
KeJae chapter 4 . 5/8/2017
Aww, young love, at least he has Romeo there to help him out :) Huh, so it's an astronomical alignment allowing for some kind of demonic rising and creation of new vampires, no wonder she keeps talking about pure bloods and is so excited. Alas, anyone familiar with such things can never report it to the local law enforcement, the general public can't handle things like that ;) Eventually Neal will probably end up revealing how complicated his life is, and the brothers would likely be surprised that it isn't so simple as they think ;) The fireflies against the dark sounds pretty. I saw a lot of them in a forested area on a dinner train ride, they were like stars twinkling through the trees and brush. Maybe Peter will have to make up some kind of family bear merit badge for Neal? Ooh, or pass on something of his own similar?
KeJae chapter 3 . 5/4/2017
Vampires, witches, possible aliens… it sounds like they are going to be busy with this round! I like the idea of Neal painting peacefully in field, but the setting made me wonder about his safety all things considering. It sounds like EL needs to be watching out for herself too instead of just Neal, and Peter is going to have the double the worry should he ever learn their intentions for Neal and Elizabeth! Ha, Mozzie with bouncy antennae, I could imagine that easily enough ;)
PastOneonta chapter 5 . 5/4/2017
Neal protected the children and is using himself as a diversion from the vampires! Neal! He can't outrun them. Is Bobby close enough? If Peter catches up with Neal that puts him at risk too! Worried about them.

The setting is beautiful, a meadow with unique orchids and gorgeous blue skies. A handsome young man painting. Lovely. I don't think Neal is interested in Electra though. He may be vulnerable in supernatural ways but his heart is safe. Sam and Maia, however, I worry for Sam and his emotions.

Is Neal prepared to kill vampires? How will the witches react to the humans when their vamp plan fails? Looking forward to the rest.
wotumba1 chapter 4 . 4/30/2017
Constellations, stars and meteors ... combined with Vampires from outer space. .. no wonder Peter and mozzie are thrilled!
PastOneonta chapter 4 . 4/26/2017
Was it really a bear? I was certain the fireflies meant something supernatural was about to happen right at camp, and to Mozzie, Neal and Sam. A misdirect? So now they think the action and excitement is over and it's back to the routine of astronomy camp. I don't know what to expect. Well, there is Mozzie's unshakeable belief in alien life, Travis who is pretty grounded except for SETI, Peter who thinks they are overreacting. I can expect their usual behaviors!

Sam is sensitive and I can see him looking for the right words to connect with someone. If those words become poetry that's okay. He had a nice conversation with Neal about relationships and it was helpful to him. Until the time where they learn Maia is an ancient bloodsucker witch being who is using him. That will be very disappointing and another lesson in the supernatural.

Welcome to Bobby! They will need his help. Looking forward to the rest. Should Neal practice his machete skills or his ability to fend off female advances?
Guest chapter 4 . 4/26/2017
Loving your story! Thanks!
PastOneonta chapter 3 . 4/19/2017
"The process has already begun" sounds ominous. I am counting on Sam and Dean to be alert for activity, and not just vamps. The witches are more of a threat. Particularly if they are interested in Sam and Neal! Poor Sam, a woman can't love him just for being Sam. He is always being hurt by people with ulterior motives. Neal is not going to get caught by Electra. He's not ready for a relationship and I don't think she is his type. I hope!

Bobby is on his way, Extraterrestrials are coming, there is an abundance of fireflies and Sam and Neal are dreaming. We can't forget the safety of 70 campers either! Looking forward to the rest.
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