Reviews for The World Outside
Charms22 chapter 1 . 6/18/2019
Superb. I love it, but this one was still sad, because she'll never have the man she loves next to her, but in her heart
cmr2014 chapter 1 . 5/2/2017
"Sue me!"
*prepares the lawsuit paperwork*

Who the hell cares it's not real Ward - it's IDEAL Ward!

Drag him! Take him with you! Make him real, damn it! Find a way!

"But a world of what-ifs won't change what is."
The entire last part of this - you have ruined me with far too much of the truth.
You don't get back people who are taken from you. I will never get back the woman who made me want to be better. Who made me smile.
I hate that I will not. I hate that I have times where I relive losing her all over again. I hate that I don't have any purely good memories, they're all made bittersweet by her absence. No matter how good it gets, the hole in my life where she should be remains. And I hate that. I want my angel back.
There is nothing that will change that I will not get her back. And there is nothing that will change that I do not feel right without her.

You don't ever get over it. You just get the fuck on with it.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/5/2017
I'm usually not much of a Skyeward reader, but this is really good! It is so sad and sweet and really well written. I love your cover art btw :)